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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

april fools pranks for parents

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April Fools Pranks. Beware because today is April Fools’ Day. Somebody near you will probably have a trick up his or her sleeve to play on you tomorrow. It could be your kids, your parents, your teachers, your spouse, your girlfriend/boyfriend. Whoever! Be alert tomorrow and don’t get PRANKED!
April Fools' Pranks for parents, April Fools' pranks for teachers, April Fools' pranks for couples, April Fools' Pranks for kids are all going to be important today.
Are you looking for April Fools pranks for today? Here are the best April Fools’ Day Pranks. First of all, if you have a significant other there are several things you could do.
A shocking surprise would be to tell your SO that your parents are coming to stay for a month! Something that would freak out my husband would be a fake tattoo. He would freak out.
Not only should you watch for people you know to prank you, you should beware of what you read in the news as well. The internet is sure to be full of April Fools’ Day pranks today.

Got Milk?If your milk comes in a cardboard container, add a few drops of food coloring. It’s harmless April Fool’s joke but the results are pretty colorful.

What’s That in Your Apple?For a fruity April Fool’s practical joke, get a few gummy worms and carefully poke them into fresh fruit, particularly apples. Give mom or dad a wormy apple for lunch and leave a few apples on the table for friends and family members to snack on.

April ShowersIf you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when nobody’s looking. This automatically keeps the nozzle in spray-mode. Make sure the nozzle is pointing up and outward. The next person to use the sinka splash! Too funny! will get

Spare ChangeThis April Fool’s practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it’s an appropriate place, then watch people break fingernails to get the coins.

One Sick JokeFill a hot water bottle with blended leftovers or even pea soup. Keep the bottle hidden under your shirt near your chest and make a trip to the cafeteria. Your friends need to be in on this prank. When the cafeteria is full, make a loud noise to attract attention, bend over the table and squeeze the bottle. Your sludge should spew out all over the table like you’ve just thrown up.

Look What I can Do!Ask your victim, er.. friend to put a quarter on a piece of paper and, without removing their finger, trace the coin with a pencil. Repeat the “test” with a few fingers. After that’s done, get the victim to pick up the quarter and roll it along the bridge of their nose. Then quietly snicker behind their back as they walk around with a black line along their nose. Don’t use a permanent marker cuz that’s not cool.

Kids’ SuggestionsTake a Woopie Cushion to school and put it in the teachers desk!
For a great April Fool’s joke, if you have little holders for your salt and pepper, switch the salt with sugar and then watch your family’s and friend’s faces when they try their food! Just make sure they have something they eat salt with.

Get a balloon and put it on the tailpipe of a truck, ferrari, etc. (Make sure the car isn’t already on!) Then get in it and have your parents start it up and it will pop. It will sound like the tire popped.

Grab a bunch of alarm clocks, set them to alarm at very early times in the morning and hide them all around different places at your victim’s room!
This is one of THE best tricks I know! First you put Saran Wrap or any other clear plastic wrap over the toilet, between the bowl and the seat. Do this at night so it is harder to see. Then when someone goes to the bathroom, SURPRISE! Oh, and a scream. I don’t recommend this because I got grounded for 3 months when I tried it. It’s funny, and messy, so if you don’t take my advice and do it anyway, be ready to clean up the mess! EWW!!!
In the vast history of film comedy, there may be no more perfectly articulated prank, escalated over and over during the course of 90 minutes, than Ferris Bueller’s bold stand against the establishment of high school. There’s a reason why John Hughes’ arguably best film still retains its status as “necessary viewing” for all teens — it’s the ultimate fantasy of a guy who can get away with anything. Tricking his parents, his principal and seemingly the entire city of Chicago in the process into thinking he’s suffering from deathly sickness, Matthew Broderick instills in Ferris the charm and the wit to make him a hero anyone can root for. Pranksters take note.

Treatment for the Core Symptoms of Autism

Home > Healthy Living > autism > Treatment for the Core Symptoms of Autism
Most families use one type of intensive intervention that best meets the needs of their child and their parenting style. The intensive interventions described here require multiple hours per week of therapy and address behavioral, developmental, and/or educational goals. They are developed specifically to treat autism. Most parents would welcome a cure for their child, or a therapy that would alleviate all of the symptoms and challenges that make life difficult for them. Just as your child's challenges can't be summed up in one word, they can't be remedied with one therapy. Each challenge must be addressed with an appropriate therapy. No single therapy works for every child. What works for one child may not work for another. What works for one child for a period of time may stop working. Some therapies are supported by research showing their efficacy, while others are not. The skill, experience and style of the therapist are critical to the effectiveness of the intervention. Before a family chooses an intervention, they will need to investigate the claims of each therapy so that they understand the possible risks and benefits for a child. Autism is diagnosed based on clinical observation and testing by a professional using one or more standardized tests. Professionals most likely to diagnose autism are psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, and school psychologists. Some of the screenings and tests which may be used in the diagnostic process are: CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale), Autism Diagnostic Checklist Form E-2, CHAT (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test -2, ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale), and ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview � Revised).
In addition, parental interview and medical history are taken into consideration.
The current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) has specific criterion required to make a diagnosis of autism, or a Pervasive Development Disorder.
There are five disorders under the PDD umbrella which include Autism, Aspergers, Rhett's Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and PDD-NOS (not otherwise specified).
The diagnosis of autism may be made when a specified number of characteristics listed in the DSM-IV are present.
1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, manifest by at least two of the following:

A. Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors, such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures and gestures, to regulate social interaction B. Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level C. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest) D. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity
Qualitative impairment in communication, as manifest by at least one of the following:
A. Delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime) B. In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others C. Stereotyped and repetitive use of language, or idiosyncratic language D. Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe, or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level
3. Restrictive repetitive and stereotypic patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:

A. Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus B. Apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals C. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) D. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.
Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:

1. Social interaction 2. Language as used in social communication 3. Symbolic or imaginative play
The disturbance is not better accounted for by Retts Disorder or childhood disintegrative disorder. symptoms of autistic disorder

Learn the Basics of 5 Different Types of Autism Disorders

Diagnosis of Autism:How is Autism Diagnosed

What are the treatments for autism?What causes Autism?

What Are the Autism Spectrum Disorders(What Is Autism)?
what causes autism?

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

what causes acne?

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Beauty & Skin Care > Acne > what causes acne?

All acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and a hair. These units are found everywhere on the body except on the palms, soles, top of the feet, and the lower lip. The number of pilosebaceous units is greatest on the face, upper neck, and chest. Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin and hair moisturized. During adolescence sebaceous glands enlarge and produce more sebum under the influence of hormones, also called androgens. After about age 20, sebum production begins to decrease.Acne & BacteriaA bacteria, known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal inhabitant of the skin. It uses sebum as a nutrient for growth, therefore increases in follicles during puberty. People with acne have more Propionibacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne. The presence of bacteria attracts white blood cells to the follicle. These white blood cells produce an enzyme that damages the wall of the follicle, allowing the contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. This process causes an inflammatory response seen as papules (red bumps), pustules, and nodules. The bacteria also cause the formation of free fatty acids, which are irritants, increasing the inflammatory process in the follicle.A normal follicle looks like this:For reasons no one completely understands, follicles, often called pores, sometimes get blocked. Sebum (oil) which normally drains to the surface gets blocked and bacteria begins to grow. Both whiteheads and blackheads start out as a microcomedone. The picture below is a microcomedone:Normal FolliclesSebum produced by the sebaceous gland combines with cells being sloughed off within the hair follicle and "fills up" the hair follicle. When the follicle is "full", the sebum spreads over the skin surface giving the skin an oily appearance. When this process works correctly, the skin is moisturized and remains healthy.Obstructed FolliclesProblems arise when the sebum is trapped in the hair follicle. For reasons that are still unclear, some hair follicles become obstructed. The sebum is produced but gets trapped on the way out, and the cells that are normally sloughed off become "sticky", plugging up the follicle. The process of obstructing follicles is called comedogenesis. It causes some follicles to form a type of acne called comedones, also known as blackheads and whiteheads.Whitehead When the trapped sebum and bacteria stay below the skin surface, a whitehead is formed. Whiteheads may show up as tiny white spots, or they may be so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. BlackheadA blackhead occurs when the pore opens to the surface, and the sebum, which contains the skin pigment melanin, oxidizes and turns a brown/black color. It is not dirt and can not be washed away. Blackheads can last for a long time because the contents very slowly drain to the surface.A blackhead or whitehead can release its contents to the surface and heal. Or, the follicle wall can rupture and inflammatory acne can ensue (see below). This rupture can be caused by random occurrence or by picking or touching the skin. This is why it is important to leave acne prone skin relatively untouched.PapuleA papule occurs when there is a break in the follicular wall. White blood cells rush in and the pore becomes inflamed.PustuleA pustule forms several days later when white blood cells make their way to the surface of the skin. This is what people usually refer to as a "zit" or a "pimple".An inflamed lesion can sometimes completely collapse or explode, severely inflaming the surrounding skin, and sometimes engulfing neighboring follicles. These lesions are called nodules or cysts:Nodule When a follicle breaks along the bottom, total collapse can occur, causing a large, inflamed bump that can be sore to the touch.

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What is Acne?

Monday, March 29, 2010

moscow bombing

Moscow Bombing 2010 Video — Another tragedy happened again today. As many websites news reported, there were two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on two separate rush-hour trains. Moscow blast was reportedly have killed at least 37 and injured more than 60 people.
According to mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, the two female suicide bombers were believed to have set off their explosive bomb when the trains approached Park Kultury and Lubyanka metro stations.
Below, you can watch Moscow ombing 2010 video reports that I found on Youtube a few moment ago. Just check this out.
For another 2010 Moscow bombing video reports, you may need to visit or search it on YouTube.
Islamist radicals from the North Caucasus are nearly always at the top of the list of suspects when a bomb causes death and destruction in Russia.
All the more so, when the attack is carried out by female suicide bombers.
Guerrillas fighting to separate the republic of Chechnya from Russia adopted the suicide bombing tactic for the first time in 2000.
The station is underneath the building that houses the main offices of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the KGB’s main successor agency. [...] MOSCOW (AP) - Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on Moscow’s subway system as it was jam-packed with rush-hour passengers Monday, killing at least 37 people and wounding 102, officials said.
MOSCOW — Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on Moscow’s subway system as it was jam-packed with rush-hour passengers Monday, killing at least 37 people and wounding 102, officials said.
The head of Russia’s main security agency said preliminary investigation places the blame on rebels from the restive Caucasus region that includes Chechnya, where separatists have fought Russian forces since the mid-1990s. [...] In the Park Kultury blast, the bomber was wearing a belt packed with plastic explosive and set it off as the train’s doors opened, said Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for Russia’s top investigative body.
Veronika Smolskaya, Moscow Emergency Ministry spokeswoman, said 22 people were killed in the first blast, at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow.
On February 2, 2007, Tambiy Khudiyev and Maksim Panaryin from Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Murad (Murat) Shavayev from Moscow were found guilty of terrorism and murder in connection with the explosion and have been given life sentences by the court.
If that is right, it would be the first time since 2004 that they have struck the Moscow metro. [...] Russian security forces claim to have killed a number of high profile militants in recent months including one of the movement’s principal ideologues and strategists.
The February 2004 Moscow metro bombing occurred on February 6, 2004 when a male suicide bomber killed 41 people near Avtozavodskaya subway station on the Zamoskvoretskaya Line in Moscow.
People ran for the exits screaming,” said 24-year-old Alexander Vakulov, who said he was on a train on the platform opposite the targeted train at Park Kultury.
An explosion apparently tore through one of the carriages as the train was coming into the station killing commuters onboard as well as people standing on the platform.
A second explosion hit the Park Kultury station about 45 minutes later.
Website of the Telegraph Media Group with breaking news, sport, business, latest UK and world news.
“We will continue the fight against terrorism unswervingly and to the end,” Medvedev said.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What are the causes of infertility

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Pregnancy > What are the causes of infertility
It is estimated that one in six couples face difficulties in conceiving. If you've had unprotected sex for more than 12 months (or, if you're over 35, six months) and are still not pregnant, you may begin to wonder if you are infertile.If you decide to seek medical help, the best thing to do is see your GP. Many infertility problems can be pinpointed and the vast majority treated.
Infertility is a couple's problem, and is commonly due to some contribution from both the male and female partners. Approximately 40% of the time, the male contributes a significant part of the fertility problem. At the Advanced Fertility Institute we investigate both male and female causes of infertility in a comprehensive manner.The chart below outlines the most common causes, typical treatments and the percentages of couples who go on to become pregnant. Percentages are variable since multiple problems can exist in a couple. Read more about infertility treatments in our treatment chart.
Most infertility results from physical problems in a man or woman's reproductive system.

About 35 percent of all cases of infertility arise from problems in the man's system.
About 35 percent arise from abnormalities in the woman's system.
About 20 percent of the time, the man and woman both have fertility problems.
In 10 percent of cases, no cause can be found.
Age often increases the risk of infertility.

Infertility can be caused by poor sexual or lifestyle habits that are easily remedied. For example, the couple may be using a sexual lubricant that interferes with the survival of the man's sperm. Or, they may not be having sex often enough. Other easily treated illnesses or lifestyle habits that may contribute to infertility are:
Heavy use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
Starvation diets or anorexia in the woman.
Tight underwear or pants in the man, which raises the crotch temperature and reduces sperm count.
Stress. In a woman, this may cause her periods to be irregular. In a man, stress may reduce his sperm count.

Most of these problems can be resolved with medical treatment or lifestyle changes, such as wearing boxer shorts, avoiding a sexual lubricant, or trying some simple stress reduction methods such as physical exercise or relaxation techniques.
Changing the timing of sex and the couple's sexual techniques may also increase the chance of pregnancy. Sometimes the semen from the man fails to reach the woman's cervix. Placing a pillow under the woman's hips after intercourse may help prevent spillage of semen. Pregnancy Test Accuracy:When Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?

What is the best (most sensitive) pregnancy test

What is the Best Pregnancy Test?

What are the reasons male infertility

What are the reasons female infertility

What are the Reasons for Infertility?

female reproductive diagram,female reproductive pictures

Saturday, March 27, 2010






What is the process for female fertility testing and Female Fertility Test Costs?

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Pregnancy > What is the process for female fertility testing and Female Fertility Test Costs?
Ideally, you will have already begun tracking your ovulation through fertility awareness or a fertility monitor. This will provide your reproductive specialists with valuable information about your ovulation. Usually the first question regarding female fertility is whether you are ovulating or not.
Financial considerations are an important part of the fertility process, as ensuring appropriate infertility treatment involves planning ahead and knowing exactly what types of fees are involved. In fact, the cost on infertility treatment such as fertility drugs or assisted reproduction is not the only fee to consider when trying to conceive.
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Female fertility tests are an important part of the diagnosis process when it comes to conditions that may affect female fertility. One of the first steps in the fertility diagnosis process is choosing a health practitioner, or a fertility specialist. It is important to consider the financial aspect of choosing a particular specialist, as well as when deciding on an appropriate fertility clinic. There are also other fertility test costs to consider, such as the cost of consultation, the cost of screening procedures, and hospital fees if necessary.
The cost of female fertility tests can range significantly, from the relatively inexpensive fertility test cost of home fertility tests, to the more specialized cost of advanced female fertility tests. Some of the preliminary fertility tests that may be performed can include FSH testing, LH testing, progesterone testing, estradiol testing and blood tests.
Some of the more advanced female fertility tests will likely be more expensive. This is because these female fertility tests are both more specialized as well as complex. These costs of female fertility tests can include the cost of an ultrasound, hysterosalpingogram, endometrial biopsy, and diagnostic laparoscopy.
The first test performed by your fertility specialists involves measuring your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to establish a baseline. This is performed on the third day of your cycle. This test is performed during your first visit.
Your second visit will occur on the day of the LH surge, which is before ovulation in most cases. During your first cycle, it is common for your fertility specialists to perform the following tests:
Cervical mucus tests: This involves a postcoital test (PCT) which determines if the sperm is able to penetrate and survive in the cervical mucus. It also involves a bacterial screening.
Ultrasound tests: This is used to assess the thickness of the lining of the uterus (endometrium), monitor follicle development, and check the condition of the uterus and ovaries. An ultrasound may be conducted two to three days later to confirm that an egg has been released.Hormone tests: These tests are done to assess the various hormone levels that contribute to the reproductive process. These hormone tests include the following:
Luteinizing Hormone Follicle Stimulating Hormone Estradiol Progesterone Prolactin Free T3 Total Testosterone Free Testosterone DHEAS Androstenedione
If both the semen analysis and the above testing return normal results, there is also additional testing that your fertility specialists may recommend. These tests include any of the following:
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): This is simply an x-ray of your uterus and fallopian tubes. A blue dye is injected through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes. The dye enables the radiologist to see if there is blockage or any other problem.
Hysteroscopy: This is a procedure that may be used if the HSG indicates that there may be problems. The hysteroscope is inserted through the cervix into the uterus, which allows your fertility specialist to see any abnormalities, growths, or scarring in the uterus. The hysteroscope allows your physician to take pictures which may be used for future reference.
Laparoscopy: This is a procedure which uses a narrow fiber optic telescope. The laparoscope is inserted through a woman’s abdomen to look at the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Your physician will be checking for endometriosis, scar tissue, or other adhesions. It is important to confirm that you are not pregnant before this test is performed.
Endometrial biopsy: This is a procedure which involves scraping a small amount of tissue from the endometrium just prior to menstruation. This biopsy is performed to assess whether there is a hormonal imbalance or not. It is important to confirm that you are not pregnant before this test is performed.
These tests are not mandatory and your fertility specialists will know which tests best fit your situation.
Female Infertility Prevention How to Prevent Women Sterility

Treating Female Infertility without Surgery or Drugs

Treatment of Female Infertility

What is the process for female fertility testing and Female Fertility Test Costs?

What are the Signs and Tests of Female Infertility

What are the Causes of Female Infertility

Symptoms of Infertility

earth one hour 2010

You are right it is tokenistic nonsense - a quasi-religious ritual for anti-technology Gaia worshipers: The recent Earth Hour advertisements exhorted us to turn off the lights in the evening and enjoy a “candle-lit dinner” instead. This crystallised in my mind the idiocy of this event - everyone knows candles produce more CO2 than the incandescent bulb, and lots more than a fluorescent bulb. This is symbolic of the retreat from reason that is Earth Hour - not one single coal-powered station in the country will shut down for earth hour, so no power will be saved, it will instead just be wasted. The fact that “2,848 cities, towns and municipalities in 84 countries have already committed to Vote Earth for Earth Hour” is evidence of nothing but a form of mass hysteria. The fact that China, India and emerging countries lead the call for action on climate change is a cynical act of hypocrisy, given that they are calling for action by everyone else but China, India and emerging countries. These countries are themselves the fastest growing polluters in the world - China now exceeds the carbon footprint of the USA, and India is not far behind. The Vote Earth movement seems to me to be a rejection of the Age of Enlightenment in favour of a return to the dim glow of medieval ignorance, where modern-day peasants will sit smugly in the dark as a form of Mother Nature worship. As Earth Hour asks us to symbolically turn off the light of reason, I have decided to Vote Human instead and turn every light in the house on tomorrow night - I encourage you all to do the same. In the immortal words of Dylan Thomas: “Rage, rage against the dying of the light!” I have recently installed floodlights in the back yard - the glow in the sky will coming from my place!
Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights.[1] Following Sydney's lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008.[2][3] Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time.

Earth Hour 2010 will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, March 27.[4]

Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. Essential cultural events like Canadian hockey matches will carry on regardless of Earth Hour. According to the Vancouver Sun, "TV, particularly when tuned to the Canucks, is classified as an essential use of power."[5]

Earth Hour 2010 is reportedly on track to become the largest Earth Hour yet, aiming to garner more than the one billion participant goal of 2009's Earth Hour.[6] 121 countries have signed up for Earth Hour 2010.

A list of 812 icons and landmarks worldwide will turn off their lights for Earth Hour, including:

Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima

Bank of America Tower, Miami

Big Ben, London

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

Burj Al Arab, Dubai

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

CN Tower, Toronto

Colosseum, Rome

Coca Cola Billboard, Kings Cross, Sydney

Eiffel Tower, Paris

El Ángel, Mexico City

Empire State Building, New York

Forbidden City, Beijing

Four Seasons Hotel, Miami

Gateway Arch, St. Louis

Grand Palace, Bangkok

Hanoi Opera House, Hanoi

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa

London Eye, London

Malacanang Palace, Manila

Manila City Hall, Manila

Nhà Rồng Harbour, Ho Chi Minh City

Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls

Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Lisbon

Piccadilly Circus, London

Pyramids of Giza, Cairo

Red Fort, Delhi

Reunification Palace, Ho Chi Minh City

Rialto Tower, Melbourne

Q1 Tower, The Gold Coast

Saigon Opera House, Ho Chi Minh City

Sky Tower, Auckland

SM Mall of Asia, Manila

Space Needle, Seattle

Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney

Sydney Opera House, Sydney

Tokyo Tower, Tokyo

Torre dos Clérigos, Porto

Trevi Fountain, Italy

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Sign, Las Vegas

Willis Tower, Chicago

Celebrity Earth Hour ambassadors who are supporting the Earth Hour message include:

Nobel laureates: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Helen Clark (former New Zealand Prime Minister)

Presidents/Mayors: Valdas Adamkus (Lithuania), Nguyễn Minh Triết (Vietnam)[7], Boris Johnson (London)

Entertainer: The Cranberries (Ireland), Andox and Box (Hong Kong), former Spice Girl Melanie Chisholm, and a panda named Mei Lan. At the moment 214 ambassadors have signed on to support EH 2010.

Earth Hour has garnered global support from over fourty five international corporations such as IKEA, HSBC, PwC, Accenture and Nokia Siemens Networks

Friday, March 26, 2010

dennis hopper dead ,why?

Related searches:dennis hopper, dennis hopper cancer, dennis hooper, victoria duffy, easy rider A Salutation in Retrospect to the best dramatic actor’s scene in Hollywood Movie History And To the two who made it so.Terrible confession: I have never seen Easy Rider.
As a gesture of pure, hate-fuelled spite, it takes some beating. Ultimate bad boy Dennis Hopper, the actor who played the psychotic thug in Blue Velvet and the hairy biker in Easy Rider, is divorcing his wife, Victoria - from his deathbed.
Most people, given weeks to live, would at least attempt a reconciliation. Especially if, like the Hoppers, they had a much-loved six-year-old daughter and had enjoyed nearly 14 relatively happy years together. But not the incorrigible Dennis. Suffering from terminal prostate cancer, he is vowing to cap the amount Victoria gets in his will and, what's more, to deny her any hope of contesting it. As the 73-year-old lies dying, he also wants her to move out of the beachside compound where they had once lived in harmony.
Nevertheless, I love Dennis Hopper, who got his sidewalk star today, despite the fact that he is dying of cancer.
I love him for two roles: Huey Walker in Flashback, a movie I need to see again because I haven’t seen it since shortly after it went to video. (And because it has Carol Kane in it. Watch her in this, then as the wife of Max the Miracle Man in Princess Bride.)
And his tiny but crucial role as Clifford Worley in True Romance. His son, Clarence (Christian Slater) is on the run with his new bride, and a gangster’s money (although not obtained in the gun fight as claimed). Here is the scene I love him for, deeply, one of the best pieces of acting I know, where the gangster (Christopher Walken) follows the trail to Worley Senior’s trailer:

The film TRUE ROMANCE opens with the idyllic romantic dream of every Rock n Roller since Elvis, Jerry Lee and Little Richard promised it. Our grit cloaked urban-dwellers, Arquette (Alabama) and Slater (Clarence,) offer us an erotic kissing sequence nearing petit mort. By the keystrokes of his dirty urban ingeniousness Tarantino and via Tony Scott’s smoky, soul catching direction we are engaged in everyone’s romantic mythical moment. Even when the romance is revealed to have been a dollar driven concocted “call girl” tryst the forever-hopeful heart rebounds and meets its match in a true romance.

Or as Alabama says, “there is a God” for every lonely heart out there.
It is a Tarantino take on Hollywood’s mandatory boy gets girl “happy ending.” But that and the perfect casting and acting of Jackson (et al in alphabetical order,) are not the “it” of this movie and in a fundamental way, are beside the point of what I believe to be the finest acting scene in Hollywood movie making history. The chaotic Tarantino mix of vulgarities, sweating with sex in the hyper violent scene between Drexel, the Wigger, as masterfully produced by Oldman, and the obsessed rescuer Clarence seems almost to be a crescendo curtain attention getter as introduction to the pinnacle scene. But I don’t think so.
I believe it to be an odd back story to the scene that will require our complete attention. No further distractions. It is almost that Tarantino had a moment of tender violence in the script, or that is how Scott managed to interpret it. Or, it is simply in the making, an epiphany for the director and actors no matter what Tarantino intended.
And what is in the making is the scene between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken. I want to say that from the moment of his entrance we see a different Dennis Hopper than we are accustomed to. Hopper’s sing along with Burl Ives’ Little Bitty Tear Got Me Down as he leaves his work-a-day job, closing the plant gate, urging his pet Rottweiler into his used vehicle, sets a tone for his role as working class Joe the survivor. That he is a retired cop does not alter that station: despite expected pension for all cops, he is still punching the clock. Mostly notably absent are his patent, seemingly herky jerky, frenetic Hopperisms. Hopper (Mr. Worley,) immediately introduces the only calmness in the film until the end. That this odd calmness may came as a result of his being sober – or abstinent of alcohol is a clue to those of us attuned to what that can mean.
I say I want to hesitate because I’ve seen this cinematic scene and its movie too many times; talked of the work of Hopper and Walken together so much that the scene majestically stands apart from the roiling rush that is the films motor, that it is such an exquisite experience that I may be imbuing Hopper’s entry on the film stage with a premature note of applause rather than simply noting it as the first of the gift he provides us.
And then he fondly smiles as his dog Rommel goes romping, chasing after a passing canine which is metaphor for the rest of Alabama and Clarence’s helter skelter movie leaving us with the perfect cine-dramatic denouement of everything that comes before he opens the door to his trailer, faces a 9mm pistol and is socked into a fade out and a Cut To --- Mr. Worley seated in his trailer still dressed in winter coat, forehead lit perfectly by Jeffrey L. Kimball ’s lighting, captured and readied for what we are now to be bestowed by Scott’s direction.
There is at first a pensive acceptance on Hopper’s bleeding face for what he knows must come as he looks at a Walken who exudes the occupational elitism of the counselor to his boos, Blue Lou Boyle. Walken’s character, (Vincent) Vincenzo Coccotti, or Vincenzo as his underling calls him, is a hood raised above his Sicilian forbearer’s peasant station. A criminal who has thwarted the likes of the cop Hopper once was.
Set opposite Hopper’s blue garbed working security guard’s uniform is fashioned the élan of Walken’s scarf and overcoat, finely tailored Italian dark cut suit, demure silk tie and pocketed silk kerchief. Garbed so we hesitate a moment before accepting that it was this elegantly fashioned being that threw the punch that knocked Hopper back out of his trailer door and rendered him captive in the which in which he waits for what he knows that will be imposed upon him.
Contrasted to Mr. Worley’s posed nonchalance of ignorance of the information that Walken wants --- has come in a death mission to obtain, is an iconic Walken characterization. The somber lighting and photo direction set the mood and the acting space of never more than three steps and a sit-down in which Walken presents to Hopper the only chance he has. He tells him that they are going to have a little Q and A and in a gesture of civility, he offers Worley a “chesterfield.” Worley calmly, pointedly says no. He will not engage in civility when barbarity is at hand. And sure enough civility is gone. In a single statement Walken tells Hopper that he may take “comfort in the fact that you never had’ a choice,” but to give up the whereabouts of Alabama and his son.
And in supreme gesture equal to Brando’s Godfather’s casual but defining use of hands at his face --- surpassing Pacino’s shifty, transformative use of body language – legs’ moving from casual no engagement to that of a new Godfather’s authoritative assumption of the Don’s throne --- Walken offers Hopper a salutary moment of empathy: Clasping his hands together in front of him, as a good son raised Catholic would do, speaking of the “whore” Alabama and Hopper’s son’s flight with the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of his – his boss’s drugs - he implores, father to father in a most sincere way, that Hopper “not go down that that road with them.” Walken is the Dark Prince, “the anti-Christ,” he states. Never for a moment is he anyone but. The range of the artisan’s facial expression, in a sharpened conscious use of those exquisite facial features and in the use of them in capturing the lighting as any great actor does, delivers a calm, deliberate tone, coupled with a sardonic power wielder’s arrogance that matches that of Hopper’s first “Hail Mary” response.
“Look I’d like to help you but I ain’t... I haven’t seen Clarence.” It’s a losing gambit and it gets one of Walken’s finest moves. Scott captures it perfectly: the left fist shown, the dropping shoulder and the bone crushing hook to the nose that Walken then shares the consequences of with Hopper in describing the smashed cartilage blow that numbs the brain. Still a gentleman he offers Hopper his kerchief and Hopper takes it allowing that as bad as the shooting pain to the brain “smarts,” but Vincenzo offers, that is “as good as its gonna get. And it ain’t gonna get that good again.” It only gets worse: When Hopper admits seeing his son and tells Vincenzo that he’s gone on his honeymoon we see the viper that is Vincenzo’s soul. We see it in his almond shaped eyes, in the flair of his nostrils, in the hiss that signals his controlled rage, in the almost inner dialogue that comes out when he sotto voices that he gets angry having to ask the same question “a second time.” The shiny, dark purple of the material might seem to signal what ought to be the beginning of the end of Hopper’s resistance. But Hopper is now resigned and fully accepts his entry into this dance of death. He has now nothing to lose whether or not he remembers that Clarence’s LA address is stuck to the refrigerator door. He has his dignity – and a serious disrespect for the pretense for Vincenzo. Nonetheless, Worley will try one more play. Hopper now weighs in with a sincere appeal for Vincenzo to “now you just wait a minute and listen to me...” and out comes his last diversionary spiel.
“They never told me and I never thought to ask,” he finishes bold faced.
Vincenzo gives nodding acknowledgement of Mr. Worley’s line of bullshit. You know he is patronizing the obviousness of Mr. Worley’s lie. He expects it. He too, we must remember has a son, about Clarence’s age ... any father would understand! He is in fact, bemused by this. But his tolerance is a setup for the lesson in “tells” that Vincenzo will share with Worley.
As Worley finishes with “so help me God” to his lack of his son’s whereabouts, Vincenzo gives him the same, “what are you telling me?” bend at the hips look then nods over Worley’s shoulder.
There has loomed, from the moment Worley sat, like the Mafia’s psychopathic version of The Hulk, the figure of Gandolfino, who parenthetically as Tony Soprano would become HBO’s Godfather. I would guess that reward is due in large part because of his performance in this and a later truly theatrically perfect scene of Tarantino-violence with Arquette in the film. He looms with his now famous smirk. At the nod he acts. Grabbing Hopper’s right hand he yanks it back, well-honed knife in hand, slices through Worley’s palm skin and muscles. This is one step “worse” than the shot to the nose.
Vincenzo then offers a lecture in telling liars, of which the Sicilian is the best in the world. His father was the grand champion of Sicilian liars. From him he learns that “men, have seventeen pantomimes, women, twenty.” They are the way you can tell when someone is lying. He tells Worley that he knows that Worley knows where they are. He gives him an out: “tell me where they are before I do some damage that you won’t walk away from.” In no pantomime of calm we have reached that moment when everything changes. It changes when Worley now ready, calmly asks for that Chesterfield as would a prisoner tied at the stake awaiting the firing squad. Vincenzo pauses a moment. A splendid moment in which he decides to offer, (perhaps, a gratuitous grace one last time), giving Worley the Chesterfield. But it is a setup and this time its Hopper doing the preparations.
But we must pause here. I must pause us. We are at the pivotally defining acting in this grand scene. With a perfect use of emotional surrender communicated by a subtle transformation of facial expression – followed by an accepting request for that “Chesterfield” Now surely Worley is that prisoner at the stake before the firing squad with one last request. He is about to unmercifully destroy the Don’s artifice of elite pretension.
We pause because civilized consideration requires that we vet the cutting insults of words he uses. Not since Richard Pryor’s onstage denunciation of the wholesale denigrating that is the foundation of “nigger” has it been OK to use it in open society. The contemporary possessive, oft familial embrace of “my nigger” in word and intent by people of African heritage does in no way purge that word from his haunting image best found in the South’s “strange fruit.” Nor ought we to sanction it herein if it were used in any other way than as intended in the scene.
I believe that the film makers were being true to Worley’s New York Irish working class, cultural upbringing and character and Worley’s intent to cut this Dark Prince (no pun) to his quick, and utterly destroy that which Sicilians hate most: to be reminded not of their legendary, ruthless, corrupt, criminally mafia inspired violence, but of the faux nature of the European-Caucasian racial elitism they claim heir to, coming to find that they are progeny of the African-Mediterranean gene pool.
That qualified, Worley delivers a finely paced, gallows -humored, flaying, (again no pun), ancestral lesson to the now totally caught unawares Prince.
Don Vincenzo Coccotti, bemused looking, smiling in an act of feigning camaraderie with his “gumbas,” his, we suppose, hireling Sicilian henchmen, is more artifice. We ought not to be surprised by this faux, jocular act. But can be distracted – as he most certainly is at first by the audacity of the smiling, point making, soft jabs of Worley’s finger cigarette holding motions as he accompanies his beautiful character destruction of the Prince.
For we must know from the glimpse we have had earlier into the rage pit that lies at the base of this Mafioso’s frontal lobes – as surely as does Worley – that while his raptor-like insult-flaying will last in the Prince’s mind forever – and, in that of the Prince’s underlings – that this dance of death has but one ending.
Finished with redefining the barbarian Worley settles into the chair with his only possible victory and prepares to accept the murderer murdering him. Knowing now that he has aroused the Don to vent his rage quickly: He communicates a sense of solace in that the now enraged Don will not torture him but deliver the denouement quick and to the brain.
Walken’s “kiss of death” is the false humorous “I love this guy” final turn in the tango.
“I haven’t killed anyone since 1984” he says as he blasts Worley straight into the forehead. Death is mercifully immediate. But we must know that the Don cannot kill the truth of the insult even as he fires five gratuitous bullets into the departed Worley.
Of course I could be wrong. I have been before. But I fear not in reiterating that this is the finest, dramatic piece before a camera by two of our finest actors.
Dennis Hopper has been fighting a battle against prostate cancer and on Friday he made a public appearance which could be his last. The 73-year-old star of films such as Easy Rider and Speed was honored in front of the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood with a star on the Walk of Fame.
Dennis Hopper accepts his star on the Walk of Fame. (Bauer Griffin)While the Internet was abuzz with rumors of Hopper's death on Friday, the star is still alive and was well enough to enjoy the ceremony and greet his many fans, who lined up to cheer him on. Hopper's doctor had cleared Hopper's public appearance, saying that it would be good for him to get out to the ceremony in his honor. His doctor has previously prevented him from meeting with his estranged wife's attorneys as she continues divorce proceedings from Hopper.
Hopper first revealed his fight against cancer in October. At the ceremony on Friday, he looked gaunt and weak in an oversized coat and a newsboy cap that shaded his face. In recent court papers, Hopper's doctor said the actor now weighs about 100 pounds. Dennis Lee Hopper (born May 17 1936) is an American actor, filmmaker and artist. Hopper became interested in acting and eventually became a student of the Actors Studio. He made his first television appearance in 1955, and appeared in two films featuring James Dean, Rebel Without a Cause (1955) and Giant (1956). Over the next ten years, Hopper appeared frequently on television in guest roles, and by the end of the 1960s had played supporting roles in several films. He directed and starred in Easy Rider (1969), winning an award at the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay as co-writer of the film's script.
He was unable to build on his success for several years, until a featured role in Apocalypse Now (1979) brought him attention. He subsequently appeared in Rumble Fish (1983) and The Osterman Weekend (1983), and received critical recognition for his work in Blue Velvet and Hoosiers, with the latter film garnering him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. He directed Colors (1988), and portrayed King Koopa in the film version of Super Mario Bros. (1993) and the villain in Speed (1994). Hopper's more recent work includes a leading role in the television series Crash.
Hopper is a prolific photographer, painter, and sculptor whose works are exhibited worldwide.[1] His photography is known for portraits from the 1960s. His painting style ranges from abstract impressionism to photorealism and often includes references to his cinematic work and to other artists

What is the best method of birth control (or contraception)?

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Sexual Health & STDs > Contraception > What is the best method of birth control (or contraception)?
here is no “best” method of birth control. Each method has its pros and cons.The answer to that question depends on your definition of "best." Your choice of birth control depends on factors such as your health, how often you engage in sexual activity, number of partners, and whether you want children in the future. No contraceptive method is 100 percent effective against pregnancy or disease. The only 100 percent effective guarantee is abstinence (not having intercourse).
The only method of birth control that can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV is the condom and even condoms are not 100 percent effective against STDs. Contraception effectiveness rates for preventing pregnancy vary greatly depending on the method used.
All women and men can have control over when, and if, they become parents. Making choices about birth control, or contraception, isn’t easy. There are many things to think about. To get started, learn about birth control methods you or your partner can use to prevent pregnancy. You can also talk with your doctor about the choices.
Before choosing a birth control method, think about:
Your overall health How often you have sex The number of sex partners you have If you want to have children someday How well each method works to prevent pregnancy Possible side effects Your comfort level with using the method
Keep in mind, even the most effective birth control methods can fail. But your chances of getting pregnant are lowest if the method you choose always is used correctly and every time you have sex.
Check out the following chart:
Methods of Birth Control
Male Sterilization
Female Sterilization
Hormonal Methods:
Implant (Norplant)
Hormone Shot (Depo Provera)
Combined Pill (Estrogen/Progestin)
Minipill (Pregestin only)
Intrauterine Devises (IUDs):
Copper T
Progesterone T
Barrier Methods:
Male Latex Condom (1)
Diaphragm (2)
Vaginal Sponge (no prev. births) (3)
Vaginal Sponge (previous births) (3)
Cervical Cap (no prev. births) (2)
Cervical Cap (previous births)
Female Condom
(gel, foam, suppository, film)
Natural Methods:
Natural Family Planning(calendar, temperature,cervical mucus)
No Method:
(1) without spermacide, (2) with spermacide, (3) contains spermacide
Data adapted from: R. Hatcher, J. Trussell, F. Stewart, et al., Contraceptive Technology, 17th Revised edition, New York, NY: Irvington Publishers Inc. (in press). Table prepared by FDA: 5/13/97
Advantages and Disadvantages:Diaphragm,Cervical Cap,and Cervical Shield

Contraceptive Sponge and how to use Contraceptive Sponge

Natural Family Planning/Rhythm Method

What are the different types of birth control?

all Different Types of Birth Control

what is the Birth Control

How is low back pain treated?

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

autistic kid with perfect bracket

lated searches:alex hermann, perfect bracket, perfect ncaa bracket, perfect bracket 2010, autistic perfect bracket
Hey fellers!!! I am the one known as the "autistic kid with the perfect bracket"....It has been a very busy week for me as I have been talking to a lot of reporters about my magnificent feat. I can't believe I did it with autism and no one else could that is normal!!....Anyways it took a lot of research and dedication to achieve this milestone but I hope it continues all the way through the rest of the tourney. After those last rounds of games I looked at my bracket and got the biggest boner....I mean it was pulsating like John Smith's the first time he laid eyes on Pocahontas!!! The upsets I picked like UNI and Cornell were so phukin easy...I mean it isnt too hard when Tim Donaghy is refing the games, I paid him a few G's and he did the rest....I have been getting calls from bookies asking me for advice on games and calls from Pete Rose, Wayne Gretzsky's wife, that player from Blue Chip all congratulating me too....But I dont tell them shit, cuz I bet for the soul not the money, which is why I joined team SBR....So as far as SBR goes, I like you guys so I will tell you my picks tonight:1. Syracuse.....With the big guy out it might be close, however Chris Paulus is going to play so enough said2. WV........ Rich Rodriguez is a hell of a coach3. Xavier........ They beat the Gophers who should have won the whole tourney4. Kentucky......... Calipari has been in this situation before in the 2007-2008 season when they played.....oh wait the record books show that they didnt play any games that season, well I guess go Cornell
No one is calling 17-year-old Alex Hermann a liar, but CBS Sports’ “Bracket Manager” does make it impossible to verify that he correctly called all 48 NCAA tournament winners—and also makes it easy to forge a perfect score.Skepticism has been quietly building ever since the story broke—and subsequently reached every news outlet in the county—that a teenager with autism had accomplished the lifelong dream of degenerate gamblers everywhere. An autistic kid with perfect bracket? NBC reports that 17-year-old Alex Hermann’s NCAA bracket is perfect. The autistic teenager from the Chicago area has done something almost impossible. ESPN estimates around 4.78 million played in their bracket challenge, but no one picked all the games correctly. The leader at ESPN’s bracket has already missed four games.But Alex Hermann’s miraculous NCAA bracket is still a picture of perfection. Autistic Kid with Perfect Bracket News Update – We earlier talked about the Perfect bracket made by an Austistic Kid with the name Alex Hermann, Starting from the first round up to the sweet 16 bracket, Autistic Kid with Perfect Bracket made it for real, he was able to do a Perfect bracket from an impossible odds from one to 13,460,000 possibilities, An Autistic kid from Chicago who claims to be very fond of the number did indeed made this feat possible, as he has picked the last 48 games perfectly, that is why is picks and brackets are what we currently have as of now. All the 48 NCAA teams that has played so far, Will ALex Hermann be able to complete the games? Find out through the Autistic Kid with Perfect Bracket News Update. ITs always a tradition each March for someone to pick out a printable Bracket from the NCAA, and start on the bracket with your pics and prediction for the season of the NCAA basketball tournament, and yes this Austistic Kid did that himself, and guess what? was able to do the Perfect Bracket. A lot of people thought of the Kansas to be the coming reign as top predictors and analysts speaks of themselves, even The president of the United States has predicted the Kansas will make it all the way but with Alex Hermann’s prediction, he was right with UNI pounding the Kansas team on the NCAA, We will try and feature the Perfect Bracket of the the Autistic kid right here, so watch out for it as we bring the latest Autistic Kid with Perfect Bracket News Update.



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back Pain Treatment: Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and Physical Therapy

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Back Pain > Back Pain Treatment: Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and Physical Therapy
More than 90% of back pain is caused by muscle weakness in the back or the abdomen or both. You can take care of back pain and prevent it from recurring by maintaining correct alignment and good posture into your unconscious patterns that more you through the day and by strengthening the muscle groups that sustain it.Medical experts have found that the reason for lower back pain is especially due to the relentless and abnormal demands made on our backs by modern lifestyle habits. Too much sitting, and slouching around, too little exercise, overweight and chronic stress are some of the reason for occurrence of back pain. Below are some tips to help to prevent and overcome lower back pain.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used alternative or ‘complimentary medical’ procedures in the world. Originating in China more than 2,000 years ago, acupuncture became widely known in the United States in the 1970s. Studies have documented acupuncture's effects, but they have not been able to fully explain how acupuncture works.
Lifestyle, age, physiology and other factors combine to make every person different. A treatment that works for one person may not work for another who has the same condition. You, as a health care consumer (especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition) should discuss acupuncture with your doctor. Do not rely on a diagnosis of disease by an acupuncturist who does not have substantial conventional medical training. If you have received a diagnosis from a doctor and have had little or no success using conventional medicine, you may wish to ask your doctor whether acupuncture might help.
ChiropracticChiropractic is a branch of the healing arts based on the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system. The spinal column is a key structure in the nervous system as it contains the spinal cord and nerve roots that branch out into the entire body. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery. Chiropractic treatment involves adjusting the spine to correct vertebral misalignment and imbalance.
Physical Therapy (PT)The treating doctor prescribes PT to treat sprains/strains, muscles spasms, arthritis, and many other back disorders. It is an important component of treatment following spine surgery. The purpose of PT is to help the patient build strength, flexibility, and endurance. PT combines heat/cold therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulating, and massage with exercise as part of rehabilitation.
ConclusionThe relationship you have with your doctor is important. He (or she) will work to diagnose the cause of your back pain. A proper diagnosis is the first step to develop the right treatment plan for you.
The first step is to become aware of your body, so that when you're holding yourself stiff, you instantly recognize the tension in your muscles standing or sitting, you should put minimal strain on the muscles of your lower back, by pressuring the spine's natural curve.
Lift using your leg muscles, not your arms and back. If you need to pick up something heavy, like a grocery bag or a packed suitcase, bend at your knee and lift it, keeping your back straight. Outdoors, use a backpack rather than a shoulder bag, it will distribute your weight more evenly.
Bring your work, food or reading to a position that allows you to keep your eyes straight ahead, your head high, and which does not require you to crane your neck forward.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach. When the stomach sags downwards, it tends to arch your back, increasing the lumbar curve and your pain. Sleeping on your back can be similarly uncomfortable, for it tends to increase the lumbar curve.Sleeping on the side with legs bent at knees, tends to minimize the spinal stress by straightening the lumber curve. Try placing one or two pillows under your knee, this is known as "lazy S" position, and the pillow under the knee tends to pull your hips upwards, flattening the lumbar curve and reducing the tension in this area.
Practice relaxing your back muscles, when you're sitting in one place for a long time. You can go to WF flexibility exercise to view exercises to stretch your upper and lower back. Hold the stretch for 5-10 seconds and slowly release.
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It is vital that you distinguish between the feeling of exertion and pain. Pain is a signal from your nerves that what you are doing is wrong for you. When you get such signals, do some mild back exercise that feel comfortable. Try the side slide, knee hug and pelvic tilt.
If you are overweight, try to loose the extra load on your back. keep at bay the pot-belly that adds to the strain or your back. Begin with cardiovascular exercise for at least 3-5 times a week to shed extra weight. Aerobic, exercise is probably the best kind of exercise for preventing back pain. By getting your heart and lungs to work harder than they are used to, you can reverse the poor physical conditioning that contributes to back pain.
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What are uncommon causes of low back pain?

What are other causes of low back pain?

What is the function of the low back?

What is the anatomy of the low back?

What Are the Causes of Back Pain?

How can you prevent low back pain from returning?

How to treat the low back pain?

What causes low back pain?

What Are the Symptoms of lower back pain?

What Are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joe Biden's F-Bomb Gaffe Becomes T-Shirt -

Related searches:joe biden, joe biden gaffes, biden f bomb, health care reform bill summary, biden

It was a moment of extraordinary triumph, a watershed event in American history that would likely be remembered as President Obama's crowning achievement. So naturally Joe Biden had to go and drop an F-bomb on live TV. During the health care reform signing ceremony, Biden was caught on a live mic whispering to Obama, "This is a big f*cking deal!" (Watch the video) Say what you will about our gaffe-prone veep, but when history calls, Biden can be counted on to commit a gaffe worthy of the occasion. In fact, Biden's F-bomb gaffe now tops our list of the Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes of All Time. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs apparently agrees with Biden. He sent out this Tweet: "And yes Mr. Vice President, you're right..." Republicans are jumping all over Biden for using profanity. But let's not forget the time that Dick Cheney famously told Sen. Patrick Leahy to "go f*ck yourself" on the Senate floor.On the F-bomb scale, Biden's is not a big f*cking deal by comparison. While Biden got swept up by the historic nature of the moment, Cheney simply enjoyed being a doucehbag of a historic nature.

How fast are Americans when it comes to making a quick buck? Just hours after Joe Biden let loose with an f-bomb that was caught by an open microphone following President Barack Obama’s signing of the health bill into law this morning, his exact exclamation — “This is a big f— deal” — has already become a t-shirt (caution, salty language ahead if you click on the link) available for sale in sizes running from S to 6X. It’s unlikely there will be profit-sharing for Biden. Then again, there probably won’t be political fallout for the Vice President, either. Biden is so gaffe prone that he can basically say whatever he wants at this point and, like a crotchety old relative at a family gathering, people chuckle and chalk it up to Joe being Joe — and make a t-shirt.

Joe Biden just handed the media an easy comic relief story (and a great trademark Joe Biden gaffe), but with the great power to entertain also comes the great responsibility not to offend. So how did the mainstream media chose to report the story without using Biden’s off-color adjective for the health care bill law? We went with the poignant euphemism “f-bomb;” for all you psycholinguistics majors out there, here’s what the rest of the media did.

  • The Associated Press, which prides itself on its “objective” and generally colorless coverage, avoided the word entirely in the title of their report (“How Big a Deal? Ask Joe Biden”). They used dashes to eliminate the unsightly letters.
  • The Washington Post’s “Reliable Source” column, being a gossip column and all, has a longer leash to run with, so they used some of Eric Massa’s “salty” language. The offensive word was replaced with “fracking.”
  • Meanwhile, the New York Times was prim and proper about Joe Biden’s “expletive,” describing it as “an adjective between big and deal, that begins with ‘f.’” But they embedded a video from the Mediaite library, so +25 “Whose Line is it Anyway?” points to the Times!
  • More points to the Columbia Journalism Review (we have egos to feed) for referencing us, and for brilliantly avoiding covering the issue by quoting the Times‘ ladylike writearound on Biden’s vocabulary, and lovingly mocking it.
  • The Kansas City Star was possibly the least amused of this press bunch, calling the word a “stinker” and nicknaming Biden “The Mouth that Roars.”
  • Apparently the British are much more lax about this kind of thing than Americans are: although a series of asterisks clothes the wanton word, the Times UK is calling it an “earthy reminder of its historic importance” that “helped immortalize” the moment. Let’s not get carried away, here.
  • The New York Post never fails to disappoint with sensational headlines, so why are we not surprised that the home page is now flashing the above comic book-esque photo headline, with an accompanying article opening with “Oh Joe he didn’t!”
  • Fox News, who first broke the story, went with the AP standard but, of course, they have more to report than just the news. The inappropriate language, they argue, was indicative of an “after-party” attitude the Democrats brought to the bill-signing. How unprofessional.
  • MSNBC, on the other hand, did a bit of everything, combining “&*$#ing” on the front page and a variety of number of dashes in the actual piece. They did report on some previously un-seen (irrelevant) “conflict,” though: President Obama seemed “impatient.” Drama!
  • And CNN, the most sober of the trio, went with Abigail Adams references (and the classic “F-word”).

when a man loves a woman lyrics

When a man loves a woman

Can't keep his mind on nothing else

He'll trade the world

For the good thing he's found

If she's bad he can't see it

She can do no wrong

Turn his back on his best friend

If he put her down

When a man loves a woman

Spend his very last dime

Tryin' to hold on to what he needs

He'd give up all his comfort

Sleep out in the rain

If she said that's the way it ought to be

Well, this man loves a woman

I gave you everything I had

Tryin' to hold on to your precious love

Baby, please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman

Down deep in his soul

She can bring him such misery

If she plays him for a fool

He's the last one to know

Lovin' eyes can't ever see

When a man loves a woman

He can do no wrong

He can never own some other girl

Yes when a man loves a woman

I know exactly how he feels

'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're my world

When a man loves a woman.....

VIDEO! Here are lyrics and video of When a Man Loves a Woman. Michael Lynch performs When a Man Loves a Woman tonight on American Idol. Lynch was the hit of last week on American Idol.
Tonight, not so much. Judges though Lynch was a bit too much overdoing the song.
Randy Jackson: You know who you are. I loved it.
Ellen DeGeneres: I did feel like it was a safe choice. This woman loves that man.
Kara DioGuardi: Technically it was good, but it was over-indulgent.
Simon Cowell: It was almost too much.

crazy little thing called love Lyrics

Crazy Little Thing Called Love is a song performed by the English rock band Queen, according to Wikipedia.
The song was written by singer Freddie Mercury who was a British musician, best known as the lead vocalist of the rock band Queen.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love hit number one on the U.S. charts on Feb 23, 2980 and the following four weeks while it was ranked as number two in the United Kingdom.
Mercury composed Crazy Little Thing Called Love on the guitar in just five to ten minutes, the singer reported May 2, 1981 in Melody Maker.

This thing called love I just can't handle it this thing called love I must get round to it I ain't ready Crazy little thing called love This (This Thing) called love (Called Love) It cries (Like a baby) In a cradle all night It swings (Woo Woo) It jives (Woo Woo) It shakes all over like a jelly fish, I kinda like it Crazy little thing called love There goes my baby She knows how to Rock n' roll She drives me crazy She gives me hot and cold fever Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat I gotta be cool relax, get hip Get on my track's Take a back seat, hitch-hike And take a long ride on my motor bike Until I'm ready Crazy little thing called love I gotta be cool relax, get hip Get on my track's Take a back seat, hitch-hike And take a long ride on my motor bike Until I'm ready (Ready Freddie) Crazy little thing called love This thing called love I just can't handle it this thing called love I must get round to it I ain't ready Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love Crazy little thing called love

"Crazy Little Thing Called Love" is a song performed by the English rock band Queen, written by singer Freddie Mercury. While it peaked at number two in the UK, it hit number one on the U.S. charts on February 23, 1980, remaining there for four consecutive weeks. It topped the charts in Australia for six weeks.
As reported by Mercury in Melody Maker, May 2, 1981, Mercury composed "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" on the guitar in just five to ten minutes.[citation needed] Other accounts say that he wrote it while lounging in a bubble bath in the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich during one of Queen's extensive Munich recording sessions.[citation needed] He took it to the studio shortly after writing it and presented it to bandmates Roger Taylor and John Deacon. The three of them, with their new producer Mack, recorded it at Musicland Studios in Munich. The entire song was reportedly recorded in less than half an hour (although Mack says it was six hours).[1]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Vote Results Today bill passed

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Health Care Vote/Healthcare Vote Results/Health Care Bill Passed/Healthcare Bill/Healthcare Reform infos and live video update can be found here.Obama health care reform which is considered as one of the most audacious bills in history is voted on this Sunday in the House of Representatives after more than a year of heated debates and protests.The bill should passed very easily seeing that sources close to Nancy Pelosi and other influential democrats have stated that they have gathered more than 216 votes needed.The healthcare reform which is constantly challenged by the Republicans and which stands to get 0 vote from them does not provide universal health insurance which is dear to the president, but instead provides an extension of health coverage, from 2014 to 32 million Americans who are currently without insurance.
Seeing that the decisive House vote could define the success or failure of President Barack Obama’s administration, he made sure he did not repeat Bill Clinton’s failed 1993 reform.That’s all we have for now on Health Care Vote.
Health Care Bill Passed : WASHINGTON – Bart Stupak Sunday afternoon that he would support a bill for health care reform that is being voted on by the House after a last-minute deal with the Obama administration.Stupak with support, and that of the other anti-abortion Democrats who stood with him against the bill, “We are well past 216″ votes to pass the bill, Stupak said in a news conference.The White House statement also Stupak and anti-abortion Democrats were holding a press conference to announce the deal, which President Barack Obama will issue an executive order after the passage of the bill that would reaffirm that it is consistent “with the restrictions for a long time to use federal funds for abortion.” Arrangement reached to secure votes for the bill, which is teetering on the brink of approval.Stupak said he looked forward to voting yes on health care legislation, describing it as “a real victory for the American people.”Last hours of the health care debate on Capitol Hill focused determination to appease anti-abortion Democrat from the small town of Menominee in the upper peninsula.Stupak stronghold of strong language prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions has shifted to the Democrats race 216 votes in the House – the magic number required to pass legislation $ 940 billion – at the last minute, nail-biting fight to the leaders of the majority.Stupak and the Alliance of Small Democrats strongly anti-abortion, which was held earlier on Sunday as the promise of an executive order from the White House that would emphasize the language of the Hyde Amendment, the provision of 1976 commenting on a number of laws that prohibit federal funding for abortion procedures.Stupak had written amendment attached to health care in the House of Representatives passed a bill in November, which prohibits funds appropriated in the bill from going “to pay for any abortion, or to cover any part of the costs of any plan that provides health coverage for abortion.”The House prepares to vote Sunday on the Senate version of the bill, as well as the House was born reconciliation bill, which sets out a multitude of “corrections” to the Senate version.Does not include the Stupak amendment. Late Friday and early Saturday morning, Stupak continue to press for the amendment.But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Saturday that there would be no further amendments to the bill. However, they left the door open to the possibility of finding other solutions, including the executive branch for Obama would reaffirm the anti-abortion language that satisfies Stupak similar thinking and Democrats.In appearance Sunday morning on MSNBC, Stupak said negotiations were continuing with officials in the White House late Saturday night, and have been fruitful.
The preliminaries are over. After more than a year of haggling, the U.S. House of Representatives is finally starting a two-hour debate on health care.We're going to be blogging live in this space so keep hitting refresh and scroll to the bottom for the latest.To be clear: There are two measures before the House dealing with President Obama' s top domestic priority. One is the Senate's version of health care, which passed that chamber on Christmas Eve. Because of a deal struck earlier today between the White House and anti-abortion Democrats, the House is expected to have the 216 votes needed to pass the Senate bill.The second measure is the House's new health care legislation, which revises the Senate bill more to Obama's liking. It would spend $940 billion over 10 years to expand health insurance coverage to 32 million Americans and provide $138 billion in deficit reduction.The House votes tonight on these measures will supersede its November action, when mostly Democrats and one Republican passed the original House health care bill on a 220-215 vote.(By the way, buried in the new House health care bill is an unrelated but also sweeping measure that rewrites the rules dealing with college loans for needy students.)Health care then moves to the Senate, where Democrats are expected to use special rules that would require only 51 votes to pass a bill. USA TODAY's Richard Wolf, John Fritze and Mimi Hall will have a full report on tomorrow.Here's the House debate:Update at 6:43 p.m. ET: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., is on the floor talking about the historic civil rights march in Selma, Ala. more than 40 years ago. He's setting the tone for the health care debate, making a reference to Democrat John Dingell of Michigan, the longest-serving member of the House. Dingell was in the speaker's chair controlling the House debate in 1965 when lawmakers passed the law creating Medicare. Hoyer says the House is about to make another "historic" choice on health care.6:55 p.m. ET: Hoyer denounces a "campaign fear" that's been waged on health care. "Critics call it a government takeover -- that's not true," he said, before extolling the bill's virtues, including its ability to reduce the deficit.7 p.m. ET: Hoyer is winding up, saying the health care legislation will stand the test of time, putting it in the company of laws establishing Medicare and a prescription drug benefit for seniors. ""This bill.. this bill will stand in the same company for the misguided outrage of its opposition and for its lasting accomplishment for the American people," he said.7:02 p.m. ET: Several Republicans stand up and say they'll oppose the bill and "revise and extend" their remarks later. The first Republican to make a lengthy statement, though, is Rep. Nathan Deal, who is going to leave the House soon and devote himself fulltime to running for governor in Georgia. "The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of people's money," Deal says, saying the House is about to impose "unprecedented and unconstitutional mandates" on people.7:05 p.m. ET: John Dingell is about to take the floor.7:08 p.m. ET: Dingell just finished his stem-winder. The dean of the House says 32 million more Americans will have health care under the bill and notes 18,000 people die every year because they don't have health care. He also says the bill "fixes the insurance companies," meaning it will impose new rules on them and ensure that the industry can't block someone from having health care if they're already sick and have a pre-existing condition. "They can't cancel your policy when you're on the gurney," Dingell says.7:12 p.m. ET: Rep. Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., says the bill will take money away from Medicare. "This bill requires small businesses and individuals to buy health insurance and if not they will be subject to civil penalties. health reform may be necessary but this bill is the wrong bill," Whitfield says.7:14 p.m. ET: Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Md., is in the speaker's chair, banging the gavel. Several lawmakers started to shout down Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., who kept talking after his time was up. She reminds lawmakers to "heed the gavel," meaning you're done when she says you are.7:19 p.m. ET: Rep. Mary Bono Mack, R-Calif., says she's opposed to this "deeply flawed bill." In her Palm Springs district, Bono Mack says "thousands" of senior citizens will lose some benefits under the Medicare Advantage program. "This bill is little more than a shell game that picks winners and losers," she says.7:20 p.m. ET: Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, leader of anti-abortion Democrats, has a discussion or "colloquy" with Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Commerce Committee, about a deal struck earlier today with the White House on abortion language. Stupak wants to make sure that the intent behind the bill and an order that President Obama will issue is that "health care reform will maintain a ban on the use of federal funds on abortion." Waxman says yes, that is correct.7:30 p.m. ET: Rep. Joseph Pitts, R-Pa., disputes the assertions made by Stupak and Waxman. "This bill violates the conscience of the American people," Pitts says. He contends that an executive order "is not a statute" and that "the government will end up directly paying for abortion at community health centers." He also calls Obama "the most pro-abortion president in history."7:40 p.m. ET. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., is the last Democrat in this section of the debate. (Several committees will be splitting the debate time.) Baldwin, who supports the bill, says, it comes down to "whose side are you on?" She says she's on the side of the people in her Madison district who get health coverage under the bill.7:44 p.m. ET: Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, will wind up the House Commerce Committee's part of the debate. "This bill will not last," he says. "It is based on a fatal assumption that one party acting unilaterally can dictate the will of the people on one-sixth of the economy."7:45 p.m. ET: Now we start the debate on how to pay for the health care bill. The House Ways and Means Committee will take the floor.7:46 p.m. ET: Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., who gave up the gavel of the tax-writing committee while he faces ethics investigations, says this moment is historic and he's glad he's taken part on shaping the bill. "No matter how long anybody has been in this body, people will ask which side were you on and, thank God, I'm on the right side," Rangel says in support of the bill.7:52 p.m. ET: Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, finishes his speech. He says a vote against the bill is a vote for "freedom," including the freedom from bureaucrats he says will make health care decisions and freedom from "exploding debt."8:02 p.m. ET: Rep. Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio, says this is a bad bill because it increases taxes on Americans. (One example: High-priced insurance plans, known as "Cadillac" plans, will be taxed under the bill.) "This does nothing to fix a health care system; it adds people to a broken system," he says, holding up newspaper clippings from his district.8:09 p.m. ET: Some parliamentary tactics have begun. Republicans have asked that words by Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., be removed from the official record of debate because they claim they're false and demeaning to House veterans.8:15 p.m. ET: After some review, Pascrell has asked that any of his words that were taken as offensive be stricken from the record.8:21 p.m. ET: Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, chairman of the House Democrats' campaign committee, notes that opponents of Medicare in the 1960s called it "Stalinism" and starts to refute criticism of the health care bill. "The day after this legislation is signed, American will see that the world is not coming to an end," he says.8:22 p.m. ET: Republican Charles Boustany of Louisiana, one of several physicians in Congress, denounces the bill's $940 billion in costs and taxes to pay for provisions. He equates it to the financial problems now plaguing Greece. He says there will be a "sequel to the modern Greek tragedy" and a "potential for default."8:29 p.m. ET: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida winds up the debate for Ways and Means Democrats in a personal way. The congresswoman last year battled breast cancer and she said she would cast a "yes" vote for the "2.5 million breast cancer survivors like me who have a pre-existing condition." She also said she was voting "yes" on behalf of other mothers. "Our current system is broken. It's un-American. The nightmare ends tonight," Wasserman Schultz said.8:33 p.m. ET: The third House committee with jurisdiction over health care is now on the floor. Rep. Rob Andrews, D-N.J., is starting the debate for the House Education and Labor Committee.8:34 p.m. ET: Rep. John Kline, the ranking Republican on the labor committee, takes to the floor to denounce the "backroom deals" that have been cut on health care. He also says, "This bill will destroy jobs at atime when we need them the most."8:39 p.m. ET: Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., says women need health care the most. She notes that women can be denied health insurance if they have been pregnant -- that's considered a pre-existing condition, she says. Woolsey says women can also be denied health coverage if they suffered injuries from domestic violence. "We should be ashamed," she says.8:47 p.m. ET: Kline is speaking again for Republicans. "Perhaps its time for Washington to stop talking and start listening," he says. Kline says calls into his district are 13 to 1 against the bill. He also makes reference to protesters who came to Washington this weekend asking to "kill the bill."8:53 p.m. ET: USA TODAY's John Fritze sends a note that several guests are in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's box in the chamber watching the debate. They include her daughter, Alexandra, a documentary film maker; Zeke Emanuel, brother of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and a health care adviser at the Office of Management and Budget; Rich Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO; and Nancy-Ann DeParle, President Obama's top health care adviser.9:04 p.m. ET: Rep. George Miller of California, chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, is winding up the debate for Democrats in this section. "Our reforms will improve the lives of every single American," he says. He also notes that the bill includes an unrelated measure on college loans. He said it's a simple choice to either side with Americans for health care and student loans or side with the insurance industry. "All of my colleagues should stand with American families in our country," he concludes.9:07 p.m. ET: Now it's time for the House Budget Committee to take to the floor.9:10 p.m. ET: Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the top Republican on the Budget Committee, says this is "not a debate about prices, coverage or choosing doctors." He decries Democrats for being "paternalistic" and "condescending." He says we're approaching a tipping point where more Americans rely on the government for benefits. Ryan, by the way, is one of the House experts on the federal deficit. He says there will be a "debt crisis caused by politicians of the past making promises that we cannot keep" under health care legislation. He also brings up Republican Sen. Scott Brown's surprise victory in a special election in Massachusetts.9:15 p.m. ET: House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt, D-S.C., is now speaking. He is citing lots of numbers, including the Congressional Budget Office's estimate that the bill would reduce the deficit by $138 billion in the first 10 years and $1.2 trillion in the so-called "out" years.9:18 p.m. ET: The big guns are starting to come out. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, chairman of the House Republican Conference and a GOP leader, is on the floor now. He reminds people "this is not the president's House, this is not the speaker's House" and emphatically states, "this is the people's House."9:26 p.m. ET: Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the Democrats' chief vote counter and No. 3 leader, is now on the floor. He notes that the health care bill will close the gap in prescription drug coverage some seniors now face under Medicare. That gap is known as the "donut hole." He calls the bill "civil rights" for the 21st century.