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Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Foods to Get You in the Mood

Want a really romantic dinner? Sure, candles and soft music are nice, but what you and your man nosh on could truly take things to another level. The following (healthy!) foods may actually affect hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy, heightening arousal and sex drive.While there aren't double-blind studies proving the aphrodisiac properties of these foods, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting they really help, so why not work in one (or more) on your next date night.

Modern lovers seem to be equally fervent about being great in bed! According to a healthcare information company, Wolters Kluwer, in 2005, Americans spent about $1.4 billion to treat male sexual dysfunction disorders alone, of which Viagra ran up a sale of $1.2 billion for Pfizer. Levitra and Cialis are other drugs in the US market, aspiring to compete with Viagra.
There is a difference, of course, between tackling sexual dysfunction and arousing passions. You don't necessarily need Viagra and the likes for a better sex life. What you do need to do is to eat healthy. Certain nutrients are especially helpful in regulating the levels of sex hormones in our body, and some can even help to protect our reproductive system from any potentially damaging effects of infection or disease. Below is a list of top 10 foods which will help you pep up your sex life, by improving your sexual and reproductive health. In addition these foods also help you fight the stress, tiredness and a lack of sexual energy induced by the current lifestyle. Try these to get your mind and body ready for bed tonight!
1. Oysters
Oysters are rich in zinc, required by the body for the production of testosterone, which in turn boosts sperm production; as well as dopamine, which can increase your libido. Men with sexual dysfunction often have low zinc levels. According to a recent study, certain sea-foods like mussels and oyster have two varieties of amino acids that bring on excess secretion of sex hormones in the body. Ensure that you chew shellfish thoroughly because it helps pull out more of these amino acids. If you do not enjoy eating oysters, you could try other sources of zinc like beef, pork, turkey, crab, chicken and lobster. If you are vegetarian, try beans, yoghurt, brown rice, cashews, raisins, peanuts, sunflower seeds and oats.
2. Avocado
Avocados help metabolize proteins and increase stamina and energy. They also contain vitamin B6, which increases male hormone production and potassium, which aids in regulating the female thyroid gland.
Interestingly the Aztecs called the avocado tree a 'testicle tree' because they thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree looked like male testicles.
3. Celery
The ancient Romans believed that celery was an aphrodisiac and liberally used this vegetable. Raw celery contains a male hormone called androsterone, which acts as a pheromone, and arouses females sexually. In women, celery acts as a mood booster. Celery salt and celery seed are spices made from this vegetable, and are rampantly used in several recipes.
4. Bananas
Bananas were discovered in 327 B.C. by Alexander the Great. Ever since then, civilizations have believed in the sexual power of bananas. The minerals and an enzyme called bromelain in banana act as an aphrodisiac in men. Bananas have B vitamins, which convert carbohydrates into energy and help in the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Bananas are the perfect food to help you sustain your stamina in the bedroom. Try eating a banana a few hours before making love to keep your energy up.
5. Chocolate
There's a reason that chocolate is the standard gift on Valentines Day. Not only are chocolates delicious, but they also contain antioxidants, serotonin and theobromine, which are stimulants that can improve your mood. Eating chocolates causes a feeling of relaxation, intoxication, and pleasure. The chemical phenylethylamine in chocolate supposedly triggers feelings similar to “falling in love.
6. Pomegranate
The very fact that pomegranate has numerous seeds itself is supposed to represent a symbol of fertility for several thousands of years now, and happens to be one of the oldest fruits on the planet. It also has the reputation of being a potent aphrodisiac.
Pomegranate fruit can be served in a multitude of ways from cocktails to desserts. Splash pomegranate juice in your drink for a pretty-in-pink Shirley Temple or pop seeds into champagne for a simple cocktail.
7. Asparagus
Asparagus contains folate, which is required for histamine production and histamine is necessary for both males and females to reach an orgasm. Asparagus is also high in vitamin E, which is considered to be a sex hormone stimulant.
8. Oats
The origin of oats dates back to about 2000 BC. Oats are known not only for lowering cholesterol, but also for stimulating libido in both sexes. They contain zinc, proteins and minerals needed to produce healthy seminal fluids. Carbohydrates, the predominant component of oats, act as a rich source of energy. To increase your libido by the time you go to bed, eat oats everyday for breakfast.
9. Red wine or champagne
Try drinking a glass of red wine or champagne before you get into bed. It will awaken your libido by keeping your arteries open and blood flowing.
But avoid drinking too much because excessive alcohol decreases your sexual performance and desire.
10. Ginger
Ginger originated in China thousands of years ago. It is an indispensable ingredient in most Asian food preparations. Ginger aids in the treatment of nausea and diarrhoea. It increases the libido in both genders by increasing the circulation in the genital areas.
Even the smells of certain foods have been found to be sexually arousing, according to studies at the Smell and Taste Foundation in Chicago - notably pumpkin pie and buttered popcorn for men and licorice candy for women.

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