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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What to Eat in a Raw Food Diet

The Living and Raw Foods discussed in this web site includes all plant based (vegetarian/vegan) foods.
What are Living and Raw Foods?Raw and Living Foods are foods that contain enzymes. In general, the act of heating food over 116 degrees F destroys enzymes in food. (Enzymes start to degrade in as little as 106 degrees F). All cooked food is devoid of enzymes, furthermore cooking food changes the molecular structure of the food and renders it toxic. Living and raw foods also have enormously higher nutrient values than the foods that have been cooked.What are Enzymes?Enzymes assist in the digestion of foods. They are known to be the "Life-Force" and or "energy" of food.
From the dictionary: Noun: Any of the various complex organic substances, as pepsin originating from living cells and capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action, as in digestion.
Why are Enzymes Important?Enzymes are important because they assist in the digestion and absorption of food. If you eat food that is enzyme-less, your body will not get maximum utilization of the food. This causes toxicity in the body. (Can you guess why over 75% of Americans are overweight?)
Doesn't the acidic ph of the stomach destoy enzymes?Viktorus Kulvinskas, one of the world's foremost and most experienced active researchers into enzyme nutrition has information showing then stomach acid merely deactivates food enzymes. The enzymes are then reactivated in the more alkaline small intestine. Many people who eat all raw foods, sense a world of healthful difference in our energy, digestion and connectedness with nature by eating enzyme-rich living foods. When we stopped eating cooked protein foods which require large secretions of stomach acid (which is not healthful for several reasons) our stomach doesn't produce much stomach acid. Many people who eat raw foods eat a low protein diet and are free from the stomach acid secretions and have much more energy and a lighter disposition.
Is there a difference between living foods and raw foods?Living and Raw foods both contain enzymes. In living foods, the enzymecontent is much higher. Raw, unsprouted nuts contain enzymes in a "dormant"state. To activate the enzymes contained in almonds, for example, soak themin water for as just 24 hours. Once the almonds begin to sprout, the enzymes become "active" and are then considered living. In the context of this web site,the terms are used loosely.
Why eat only Organic Foods?When juicing or eating foods, it is very important to choose to consume only organically grown produce. "Conventional" or "industrial" produce are grown with pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, and other chemicals that are toxic and/or harmful to your body. Organic foods are grown without the use of these harmful substances, taste better, and are more nutritious.
Do I need to eat all organic to be raw?No, you do not NEED to eat all organic to be raw. I personally reccomend eating as much organic food as possible. It has been shown that organic produce contains less pesticide and other toxic residues. In addition, it has been shown that organic food may taste better and contain more nutrition. I believe its better to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in most any case.
Will rinsing wash off the pesticide from industrially grown produce?Rinsing with cool water will remove some surface pesticide residue, but not the pesticide that was absorbed into the produce as it was grown. Some of the most severely tainted types of produce are strawberries and bell peppers. Some of the least tainted: carrots and avocados.
Is this a "new" fad diet or something?Not at all! Consider the following: during the vast majority of our existence on this planet, what choices did we have for food? What COULD we have eaten before we discovered fire, tools and implements to kill animals? The original diet for us MUST have consisted primarily of vegetables, fruits, and nuts! What other choices did we have? Clearly, a raw, plant based diet is the main food staple throughout the vast majority of the history of Humankind! Before Humans started killing and eating dead animal carcass, we ate fruits, leaves, nuts, berries, etc...
Is this just another vegetarian or vegan diet?Yes and NO! This is the ULTIMATE vegetarian/vegan diet. It should be the goal of all vegetarians, vegans and SAD - [Standard American Diet] eaters to eat raw. The benefits are out of this world! Once you embrace an all-raw and living food diet, you are more living, have more energy, better health, think more clearly, and become more in tune with your body! This type of diet even gives you a "competitive edge" over people that eat life-less food.
What is the difference between a raw/living foods diet and a vegetarian one?Vegetarians and vegans believe in only eating a plant based diet.Living and Raw Foodists believe in eating only an UNCOOKED, UNHEATED, UNPROCESSED and ORGANIC plant based diet.
What is a Living Foodist or Raw Foodist?A person who eats 75% or more living/raw food.. The more, the better. Optimally one should eat as 100% raw and living foods if it feels right for them.
Is a 100% living and raw food diet best?That depends on the person. I believe life should not be about 100% raw food, but about 100% health. You can be "unhealthy" and eat 100% raw food, if you are not eating the correct raw foods. In addition, the stress that can be caused by "screwing up" or "falling off the wagon" can be worse than eating a high percentage raw food diet, with "better" cooked alternatives. I personally eat 99.999% raw foods.
Is there just one type of living/raw foodist?There are many subcategories of living/raw foodists. Some include:
Fruitarian - People who consume mostly fruits. Sproutarian - People who consume mostly sprouts. Juicearian - People who consume mostly fresh juice. Why would someone want to eat a raw and living foods diet?There are many reasons why people eat a raw and living foods diet.
Health: Persons embracing this type of diet invariably experience improvements in their general physical and mental status, including more energy, better health, more energy , weight loss, detoxification, and a sturdier immune system that better resists and recovers from just about any kind of disease... and the list goes on... Energy efficiency: Since you no longer have to cook, you don't waste electricity, and save the environment. Since you eat organic agriculture, you help to save the planet. Most become more in-tune with their body; many report definite spiritual improvements. No animal products are used, so the animals appreciate it. What do raw/living foodists eat?Raw and Living Foodist eat all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, sea vegetables, and other organic/natural foods that have not been processed. In some instances, there are special ways to prepare the foods (example: most raw and living foodists soak/sprout nuts, seeds and grains before consuming them). For some delicious recipes, see our recipe section!
How can you tell if something is a raw/living food?Most foods that have not been processed in any way, shape or form are raw and living foods (until cooked). Processed foods (canned, bottled or prepackaged) are most often adulterated, (changed from their original state) by heating, additives, preservatives, colorings, salt, and sugar. Don't think this is all for your benefit; the benefactor is the manufacturer's profit margin, NOT YOU. Try to purchase foods that are in their natural state.
What do raw and living foodists drink?Water (purified water - never tap water), Freshly made juices (made with your own juicer - and consumed immediately), coconut milk (from a young coconut), are some of the liquids living and raw foodists drink. Most all drinks purchased at the store have been processed (Including: soda, bottled juices, coffee, alcohol, and most others) and are not included in a living / raw foodist diet.
Do raw and living foodists drink tea?Some living and raw foodists will drink SUN TEA, which is tea brewed by the power of the Sun. Teas that contain boiling water are not considered raw. Many teas that are purchased in the store may have been processed at temperatures above 118 degrees. The best way is to grow your own herbs and dry them at a low temperature, and use them for sun teas.
Are certain raw foods better than others?Yes. I believe one should focus on eating the majority of fresh fruits and vegetables. All other raw foods (such as nuts, seeds, etc) should be minimized. Fresher foods are always best. Ones that you grow yourself, or purchased at a farmers market, are much fresher than foods purchased in the grocery or health food store.
Where do raw and living foodist get their protein?The WHO (World Health Organization) says humans need about 5% of their daily calories to come from protein to be healthy. The USDA puts this figure at 6.5%. On average, fruits have about 5% of their calories from protein. Vegetables have from 20-50% of their calories from protein. Sprouted seeds, beans, and grains contain from 10-25% of their calories from protein. So if you are eating any variety of living plant foods, you are getting more than adequate protein. Numerous scientific studies have shown the daily need for protein to be about 25-35 grams per day. So if you ate 2,000 calories per day, and ate raw plant foods that had an average of 10% of their calories from protein, you would get 200 calories worth of protein, or 50 grams. This is more than adequate to support optimal well-being. Other studies have shown that heat treating a protein (such as with cooking) makes about half of it unusable to the human body. So raw plant food protein is even a better source than cooked plant foods or animal foods. There is still a huge, foolish, misguided idea that plant protein is not "complete". This is based on studies done on rats in the 1940's. This false conclusion was drawn before we discovered the bodies protein recycling mechanism and its ability to "complete" any amino acid mix from our bodies amino acid pool, no matter what the amino acid composition of a meal consumed. This false idea is still perpetuated by the meat and dairy industries, in an attempt to influence people to continue consuming their truly health destroying products.

Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Foods to Get You in the Mood

Want a really romantic dinner? Sure, candles and soft music are nice, but what you and your man nosh on could truly take things to another level. The following (healthy!) foods may actually affect hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy, heightening arousal and sex drive.While there aren't double-blind studies proving the aphrodisiac properties of these foods, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting they really help, so why not work in one (or more) on your next date night.

Modern lovers seem to be equally fervent about being great in bed! According to a healthcare information company, Wolters Kluwer, in 2005, Americans spent about $1.4 billion to treat male sexual dysfunction disorders alone, of which Viagra ran up a sale of $1.2 billion for Pfizer. Levitra and Cialis are other drugs in the US market, aspiring to compete with Viagra.
There is a difference, of course, between tackling sexual dysfunction and arousing passions. You don't necessarily need Viagra and the likes for a better sex life. What you do need to do is to eat healthy. Certain nutrients are especially helpful in regulating the levels of sex hormones in our body, and some can even help to protect our reproductive system from any potentially damaging effects of infection or disease. Below is a list of top 10 foods which will help you pep up your sex life, by improving your sexual and reproductive health. In addition these foods also help you fight the stress, tiredness and a lack of sexual energy induced by the current lifestyle. Try these to get your mind and body ready for bed tonight!
1. Oysters
Oysters are rich in zinc, required by the body for the production of testosterone, which in turn boosts sperm production; as well as dopamine, which can increase your libido. Men with sexual dysfunction often have low zinc levels. According to a recent study, certain sea-foods like mussels and oyster have two varieties of amino acids that bring on excess secretion of sex hormones in the body. Ensure that you chew shellfish thoroughly because it helps pull out more of these amino acids. If you do not enjoy eating oysters, you could try other sources of zinc like beef, pork, turkey, crab, chicken and lobster. If you are vegetarian, try beans, yoghurt, brown rice, cashews, raisins, peanuts, sunflower seeds and oats.
2. Avocado
Avocados help metabolize proteins and increase stamina and energy. They also contain vitamin B6, which increases male hormone production and potassium, which aids in regulating the female thyroid gland.
Interestingly the Aztecs called the avocado tree a 'testicle tree' because they thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree looked like male testicles.
3. Celery
The ancient Romans believed that celery was an aphrodisiac and liberally used this vegetable. Raw celery contains a male hormone called androsterone, which acts as a pheromone, and arouses females sexually. In women, celery acts as a mood booster. Celery salt and celery seed are spices made from this vegetable, and are rampantly used in several recipes.
4. Bananas
Bananas were discovered in 327 B.C. by Alexander the Great. Ever since then, civilizations have believed in the sexual power of bananas. The minerals and an enzyme called bromelain in banana act as an aphrodisiac in men. Bananas have B vitamins, which convert carbohydrates into energy and help in the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Bananas are the perfect food to help you sustain your stamina in the bedroom. Try eating a banana a few hours before making love to keep your energy up.
5. Chocolate
There's a reason that chocolate is the standard gift on Valentines Day. Not only are chocolates delicious, but they also contain antioxidants, serotonin and theobromine, which are stimulants that can improve your mood. Eating chocolates causes a feeling of relaxation, intoxication, and pleasure. The chemical phenylethylamine in chocolate supposedly triggers feelings similar to “falling in love.
6. Pomegranate
The very fact that pomegranate has numerous seeds itself is supposed to represent a symbol of fertility for several thousands of years now, and happens to be one of the oldest fruits on the planet. It also has the reputation of being a potent aphrodisiac.
Pomegranate fruit can be served in a multitude of ways from cocktails to desserts. Splash pomegranate juice in your drink for a pretty-in-pink Shirley Temple or pop seeds into champagne for a simple cocktail.
7. Asparagus
Asparagus contains folate, which is required for histamine production and histamine is necessary for both males and females to reach an orgasm. Asparagus is also high in vitamin E, which is considered to be a sex hormone stimulant.
8. Oats
The origin of oats dates back to about 2000 BC. Oats are known not only for lowering cholesterol, but also for stimulating libido in both sexes. They contain zinc, proteins and minerals needed to produce healthy seminal fluids. Carbohydrates, the predominant component of oats, act as a rich source of energy. To increase your libido by the time you go to bed, eat oats everyday for breakfast.
9. Red wine or champagne
Try drinking a glass of red wine or champagne before you get into bed. It will awaken your libido by keeping your arteries open and blood flowing.
But avoid drinking too much because excessive alcohol decreases your sexual performance and desire.
10. Ginger
Ginger originated in China thousands of years ago. It is an indispensable ingredient in most Asian food preparations. Ginger aids in the treatment of nausea and diarrhoea. It increases the libido in both genders by increasing the circulation in the genital areas.
Even the smells of certain foods have been found to be sexually arousing, according to studies at the Smell and Taste Foundation in Chicago - notably pumpkin pie and buttered popcorn for men and licorice candy for women.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Type 1 Diabetes Death Rate is Falling, But Not Fast Enough

The results, abstract number 0326-OR, are based on the Allegheny County Type 1 Diabetes Registry, one of the largest population-based registries of the disease, which includes nearly 1,100 people diagnosed between 1965 and 1979 in Allegheny County, Pa.
As of January 2008, 26 percent of registry participants had died - a rate seven times higher than age-and sex-matched people in the general population. Participants who were diagnosed most recently (1975 to 1979) were only 5.5 times more likely to have died.
The researchers also found that women with type 1 diabetes were 13 times more likely to have died than women in the general population, compared to men whose death rate was five times higher than their healthy counterparts. When the researchers explored differences in survival by race, they found that after 30 years of diabetes only 52 percent of African-Americans were alive compared to 82 percent of Caucasians.
"The more recent a person was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the less likely they were to die, suggesting the positive impact of advances made during the last few decades," said Aaron M. Secrest, lead author of the study and a doctoral student at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. "Even so, significant disparities in mortality remain and reveal a need for continuing improvements in diabetes treatment and care."

Researchers also found that people diagnosed in the late 1970s have an even lower mortality rate compared with those diagnosed in the 1960s.
"The encouraging thing is that, given good [diabetes] control, you can have a near-normal life expectancy," said the study's senior author, Dr. Trevor J. Orchard, a professor of epidemiology, medicine and pediatrics in the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, Penn.
But, the research also found that mortality rates for people with type 1 still remain significantly higher than for the general population -- seven times higher, in fact. And some groups, such as women, continue to have disproportionately higher mortality rates: women with type 1 diabetes are 13 times more likely to die than are their female counterparts without the disease.
Results of the study are published in the December issue of Diabetes Care.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the body's immune system to mistakenly attack the body's insulin-producing cells. As a result, people with type 1 diabetes make little or no insulin, and must rely on lifelong insulin replacement either through injections or tiny catheter attached to an insulin pump. Insulin is a hormone that allows the body to use blood sugar.
Insulin replacement therapy isn't as effective as naturally-produced insulin, however. People with type 1 diabetes often have blood sugar levels that are too high or too low, because it's difficult to predict exactly how much insulin you'll need. When blood sugar levels are too high due to too little insulin, it causes damage that can lead to long term complications, such as an increased risk of kidney failure and heart disease. On the other hand, if you have too much insulin, blood sugar levels can drop dangerously low, potentially leading to coma or death.
These factors are why type 1 diabetes has long been associated with a significantly increased risk of death, and a shortened life expectancy.
However, numerous improvements have been made in type 1 diabetes management during the past 30 years, including the advent of blood glucose monitors, insulin pumps, newer insulins, better medications to prevent complications and most recently continuous glucose monitors.
To assess whether or not these advances have had any effect on life expectancy, Orchard, along with his student, Aaron Secrest, and their colleagues, reviewed data from a type 1 diabetes registry from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The registry contained information on almost 1,100 people under the age of 18 at the time they were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
The children were sorted into three groups based on the year of their diagnosis: 1965 to 1969, 1970 to 1974 and 1975 to 1979. As of January 2008, 279 of the study participants had died, a death rate that is 7 times higher than would be expected in the general population.
When the researchers broke the mortality rate down by the time of diagnosis, they found that those diagnosed later had a much improved mortality rate. The group diagnosed in the 1960s had a 9.3 times higher mortality rate than the general population, while the early 1970s group had a 7.5 times higher mortality than the general population. For the late 1970s group, mortality had dropped to 5.6 times higher than the general population.
The mortality rate in women with type 1 diabetes remained significantly higher, however, at 13 times the rate expected in women in the general population.
In addition, blacks with diabetes had a significantly lower 30-year survival rate than their white counterparts -- 57 percent versus 83 percent, according to the study.
Although Orchard said it isn't clear why women and blacks have higher-than-expected mortality, Barbara Araneo, director of complications therapies at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, said that both discrepancies have been found in other research, and that one theory is that blacks may have a greater genetic susceptibility to heart disease or high blood pressure. And, for women, she said previous research has shown that, "women with diabetes lose their innate protection against [heart disease], similar to the loss sustained in postmenopausal phases of life." But, she said, it's not clear how diabetes causes this loss.
The overall message of the study, however, is a positive one.
"The outcome of this study shows that diabetes care has improved in many ways over the last couple of decades, and as a result people with diabetes are living longer now," said Araneo, adding, "Managing and taking good care of your diabetes is the surest way to reduce the risk of developing complications later in life."
"What we're seeing now is incredibly encouraging, but it's not necessarily the full story yet," said Orchard, who noted that improvements in diabetes care should continue to lower mortality rates in people with type 1 diabetes.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What to Do for a Stuffy Nose

Clear your stuffy nose.
A stuffy nose, otherwise known as a nasal congestion, sinus infection, or simply the sniffles, is caused by inflamed blood vessels in the membranes lining the inside of your nostrils, usually due to the flu, cold, or allergies. When the tissues become swollen, it blocks the normal passage of fluid through your nasal pathways. While this can be life-threatening to newborns, for most adults, the condition is simply discomforting. However, there are many home and alternative remedies that might do the trick in clearing a stuffy nose.
It's the season of stuffy noses and achy heads, a time when many people dash to their local drugstores in search of relief. But Step No. 1, before taking any over-the-counter decongestant, is to evaluate the likely cause of your stuffiness, advises Richard Rosenfeld, professor and chairman of otolaryngology at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Your nose "doesn't just swell up [inside] for no reason," Rosenfeld says. "It's important to understand why your nose" is stuffy. Sinusitis, for instance, may require an antibiotic, which means getting a prescription. Allergies may respond to an antihistamine. And structural problems, like a deviated septum, may require surgery. For persistent congestion, it's usually best to see your doctor, he says.
Once you've determined the cause of your stuffiness, here are some options for unclogging your nose:
• Consider nasal washings. A 2007 study published in the Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery found that saline irrigation was more effective than saline spray for a group of patients with chronic nasal and sinus symptoms. "But many people who have colds [also] find it soothing," Rosenfeld says. "The basic principle is you need to irrigate, not just moisturize." Several nasal rinse kits are available on store shelves, or you can create a homemade kit: Squeeze about 4 to 8 ounces of saltwater into your nose "until there is no more mucous or cloudy material coming out," Rosenfeld suggests.
• Seek out pseudoephedrine. Some people say the oral decongestant phenylephrine—which replaced pseudoephedrine in many over-the-counter products in 2006—doesn't do a good job of unclogging their noses at the current 10-milligram dose. Pramod Kelkar, a Minneapolis allergist in private practice, says that some of his patients contend that it's less effective than pseudoephedrine, no longer residing on store shelves because it can be used to make methamphetamines. "Some patients feel like [phenylephrine] doesn't work at all," he says. While the Food and Drug Administration hasn't sanctioned a higher dose out of concern that too much can raise blood pressure, there are other options if phenylephrine (now a main ingredient in Sudafed PE, Robitussin cough syrup, and Benadryl Allergy & Sinus) doesn't work for you. Drugs containing pseudoephedrine are still available in limited amounts behind some pharmacy counters to those who show ID; no more than 9 grams per month or 3.6 grams per day can be purchased.
• Try a nasal spray, but don't use an over-the-counter decongestant spray for longer than 3 days. Overuse can create a rebound effect of narrowing and constricting the blood vessels of your nose, according to the Mayo Clinic. Prescription nasal sprays are also an option, if your doctor thinks they'll ease your congestion. Steroid sprays, such as Flonase and Nasonex, work by reducing swelling in the nose.
• Ask your doctor for a prescription oral decongestant. If your congestion is due to more than a simple cold—perhaps you're experiencing a nasty bout of sinusitis—it's reasonable to ask for a prescription oral decongestant, particularly if phenylephrine doesn't work for you and you're having trouble finding over-the-counter pseudoephedrine. "If a patient's condition warrants it...I would be happy to prescribe it," says Kelkar.
• Inhale steam. Sitting in front of a cool mist humidifier or using personal steam inhalation devices may loosen up congestion, Rosenfeld says.
Quick Tips1Salt water can help ease sinuses and reduce the need for pain medication. [1] Breathe in salt water to clear your sinuses (helpful if you live by the ocean), use a nasal saline spray (unmedicated salt water) [2], or use a neti pot (see below).Ads by Google
ZYRTEC® Home MakeoverEnter For A Chance To Win ZYRTEC® Sweepstakes. See Official a humidifier at home to avoid living in an environment with dry air, which can irritate your sinuses.[3]3Eat spicy, peppery or pungent foods, which are natural decongestants. Try an Indian, Thai or Sichuan (Chinese) cuisine.[4] Chewing a minty gum could also help.4Drink lots of water to keep your sinus membranes well-hydrated. It can also thin your mucus.5Bathe your pets, clean your carpet and dust your furniture regularly to prevent allergens from clogging your sinuses.6Exercise more, not less. Running up and down stairs can change the pressure in your body and help clear your nose. [5]Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs1Determine the cause of nasal congestion. Are you experiencing congestion because of sickness and colds, or because of allergies?2Choose an OTC drug. Consult with your pharmacist as to the best OTC product to relieve your congestion, and the proper way to use it. Pick according to the cause, according to what has worked for you in the past, and according to side effects you want to minimize, such as drowsiness. #*Another consideration is the amount of active ingredient in a dose, what it is, how often you take it. You could actually save yourself money by buying a drug that treats only nasal congestion instead of a multi-symptom cold relief drug, and by purchasing a 12 hour relief formula instead of doses that need to be taken every 4 hours. Some active ingredients serve in both allergy and cold relief applications.
Neti Pot1 The neti pot is an ancient remedy that is filled with a saline solution and then used to irrigate your nose. It washes out all of the pollution, infection and allergens that may be troubling you. [6] Video: Truth About Neti Pots on WebMD2Acclimate yourself to voluntarily breathing through your mouth and not your nose.3Prepare a saline solution with water and non-iodized salt. Use a 1/4 tsp. of salt for about every 8 oz. of water. [7]4You can add an herbal wash to your saline solution, but read the label carefully. Zinc can temporarily taper your sense of smell, so you may want to use one that is zinc-free.Herbal washes are not recommended in pregnant women.5Tilt your head to the side and stick the end of the neti pot down the higher nostril to irrigate your nose. Water will flow from your other nostril and clean out your nasal pathways in the process.6Feel free to use the neti pot as long as your symptoms occur -- from once a week to multiple times a day.Steam1Get a bowl of steaming or hot water.2Inhale the steam slowly.3 Try mixing in essential oils such as menthol, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil for improved results.4Alternatively, try slowly sipping hot water or tea with a bit of lemon in it, keeping your nose close to the cup.5Try taking a warm shower as well, to let the steam help clear your nose

Saturday, November 20, 2010

At the scene of a road accident

The first person on the scene of a collision will almost certainly be another road user. So as a driver your knowledge of first aid could make a real difference to someone in the event of a road accident Stop. Apply handbrake. Turn off engineTopAssess conditionsRemain calm. Assess the scene and seriousness of the collision. Determine what happened, how many people and vehicles are involved and the exact locationTopMake safeMake sure you stay safe: keep off the road. If you need to stop or warn approaching cars, signal to them from the pavement. Wear fluorescent reflective clothing use warning triangles, flashing lights and hazard warning lights. Don’t smoke If you are in a car and you come across an accident, first park safely and turn off the engine before you get out to help. Use a hazard triangle if necessary. Consider the safety of others. Immobilize the vehicle/s, look out for hazards - leaking fuel, chemicals, broken glass or shed loads – guide uninjured passengers to a place of safety TopAssess casualtiesHow many casualties are there? What is the severity of the injuries? Is anyone trapped? Is there a danger of fire?TopCall for helpDial 999 (or 112) for the emergency services. If there is no phone nearby, recruit help and send two people in opposite directions Do not use mobile phones if there is a danger from petrol-spillage or fumesTopApply emergency first aidRemain calm. Reassure the victims. Do not allow smoking or offer food or drink to casualties as this could hamper urgent medical treatmentTopCalling 999 (112)Do this as soon as you can or get someone else to do it while you deal with an injured person. You will need to tell the emergency services: where you are what has happened (describe the accident) how many people are injured whether they are breathing or bleeding.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Treatment for Stage IV and Recurrent Colon Cancer

Treatment of patients with recurrent or advanced colon cancer depends on the location of the disease. For patients with locally recurrent and/or liver-only and/or lung-only metastatic disease, resection surgery, if feasible, is the only treatment with the potential to cure the disease. Patients with cancer that cannot be treated surgically are treated with systemic chemotherapy. Treatment of stage IV and recurrent colon cancer may include the following:
Resection/anastomosis (surgery to remove the cancer or bypass the tumor and join the cut ends of the colon)
Surgery to remove parts of other organs, such as the liver, lungs, and ovaries, where the cancer may have recurred or spread. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be offered to some patients as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Special treatments of cancer that has spread to or recurred in the liver may include the following:
Radiofrequency ablation (a technique that uses a special probe with tiny electrodes that kill cancer cells)
Cryosurgery (using an instrument to freeze and destroy abnormal tissues).
The goal of surgery for Stage IV colorectal cancer is to prevent or stop the tumor from blocking the colon and rectum and to prevent other complications. This surgery may involve:
Resection -Your doctor will remove the cancer and a small amount of the healthy tissue surrounding the cancer. The doctor will usually sew the healthy parts of the colon together so that your bowel can continue to function normally. This procedure is known as anastomosis. In anastomosis, the doctor often removes lymph nodes near the colon and examines them under a microscope to find out if they have any cancer cells.
If the tumor is large and has created a hole in your colon, you might need a temporary colostomy. In a colostomy, an opening is made in the abdomen and one end of the large intestine is attached to this opening. Stool comes through the intestine, out the opening, and into a replaceable plastic bag. You will wear this bag outside your body. Often, you will only need the colostomy for a short time. As soon as your colon heals, the doctor can sew the two ends of the colon back together. In very rare cases, when the cancer cannot be completely removed, the two ends of the colon are not sewn back together and the colostomy becomes permanent.
About half of all patients with colorectal cancer have liver metastases, or cancer cells that have spread from the colon or rectum to the liver. Metastases in the liver and other organs are sometimes removed surgically by resection. If resection is not possible, the surgeon might use one of these techniques:
Radiofrequency ablation- In some cases, the physician uses a special probe with tiny electrodes that kill cancer cells. This probe is sometimes inserted directly through the skin. In other cases, the doctor cuts into the abdomen to insert the probe.
Cryosurgery- In cryosurgery, the surgeon uses an instrument to freeze and destroy the tumor. This is especially useful for metastases in the liver.
If you have rectal cancer, you might be treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy before surgery. This reduces the chance that the cancer will come back and can make the surgery more effective.
Many patients with stage IV colorectal cancer are treated with chemotherapy after their surgery, typically with one or more of the following drugs, either alone or in combination:
Camptosar® (irinotecan) -Irinotecan can be used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs, especially fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin, as the first treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body). This combination is known as FOLFIRI for folinic acid, 5-FU, and irinotecan.
Some people have an inherited genetic variation that makes it hard for them to tolerate irinotecan. Luckily, a test is available to find out if you have this genetic variation. If you do, your doctor will prescribe a different chemotherapy drug or drugs for you.
Eloxatin® (oxaliplatin)- This drug can be very effective when it is combined with 5-FU and leucovorin. Sometimes oxaliplatin is combined with both 5-FU and folinic acid. This combination is known as FOLFOX (for folinic acid, 5-FU, and oxaliplatin). FOLFOX seems to be the most effective treatment for colorectal cancer that has returned (recurred) after it was originally treated.
Fluorouracil (5-FU)- This is the drug used most often to treat colorectal cancer. 5-FU is often given with another drug, leucovorin, to make it more effective. Patients usually receive injections of 5-FU over a few days or weeks and then take a few weeks off from chemotherapy. These cycles are repeated over 6 months to a year.
Xeloda® (capecitabine)- Capecitabine is usually taken by mouth. It actually turns into 5-FU when it gets to the tumor. This drug can be used instead of 5-FU and it acts as if the 5-FU were being given continuously.
If you have liver metastases, you might receive chemotherapy directly into the artery that goes to the liver. This shrinks cancers in the liver more effectively than giving the chemotherapy intravenously (through a vein).
Patients with Stage IV colorectal cancer are sometimes treated with targeted treatments. These are new therapies that affect cancer cells but do little damage to noncancer cells. These drugs are becoming more important in the treatment of colorectal cancer. These treatments are sometimes known as immunotherapies because they help the patient’s immune system fight cancer more effectively.
Antiangiogenesis therapy -Tumors need the nutrients in blood vessels to grow and spread. Antiangiogenesis therapies stop the process of making new blood vessels, known as angiogenesis, by “starving” the tumor. Avastin® (bevacizumab) is one of these therapies, and it works by blocking the growth factors that stimulate the development of new blood vessels. Bevacuzimab is given with chemotherapy to improve survival in people with advanced colorectal cancer.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors -The EGFR protein seems to help many colorectal cancers grow. Erbitux® (cetuximab) is a monoclonal antibody, or protein used by the immune system, that can find and attach itself to cancer cells and can block the EGFR protein. Cetuximab can sometimes shrink tumors in patients whose cancers continue to grow after other treatments. Cetuximab can be used with or without irinotecan. VectibixTM (panitumumab), another monoclonal antibody, is a newer EGFR inhibitor that can shrink tumors in some people whose cancer has not responded to other treatments. Vectibix is used to treat certain colorectal cancers that have metastasized (spread to other parts of the body) and continue to grow after treatment with combinations of chemotherapy drugs that include 5-FU, oxaliplatin, or irinotecan.
Radiation therapy is another treatment that is used for people with Stage IV colorectal cancer.It can help reduce certain symptoms, such as pain.
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) - This is the most common type of radiation treatment for people with colorectal cancer. A machine called a linear accelerator directs the radiation at the tumor from outside your body. The treatments last just a few minutes and are given 5 days a week for several weeks.
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Monday, November 1, 2010


音乐可以不是利益,可以只是坚持!16日晚,蓉城的歌迷就享受到了一场高品质的廉价演唱会。“1沙1世界”2010沙宝亮全国走唱会启动仪式暨成都·金沙演唱会盛大唱响。无数歌迷在昨夜彻底满足了一回安抚心灵的音乐保卫战。歌者沙宝亮,此次的措举不仅完成了自己的音乐历程上的一次奋进,背后蕴藏的更是众多的责任和荣誉。 荣誉;堪称中国内地第一人站在有着厚重历史文化的博物馆上开唱!大家都知道,金沙遗址博物馆是中国文物界的重大发现,他的出现不仅推翻了成都“不晓文字,未有礼乐”的恒久之道,不仅彰显出成都这所城市的悠久文化历史,如今更是一张属于成都的城市文化名片。作为歌手,能有幸站在这个聚宝盆之地上歌唱,是何等荣耀光鲜! 此次沙宝亮成都演唱会的票价订为180 280 380 580,足以显示出用意所在。而他的个人属性绝不是这个价钱。此次只为能让大家更多的感受音乐,能回点本钱而已,但事实上是赔钱的。正如他北京发布会上所说,走唱会,不应该是为了赚钱,更多的是边走边唱,带着音乐去旅行,为更多的人带去一种音乐心情。也是自己为以后创作音乐而走,希望在每一站能感受更多的人杰地灵从而获得更多的创作灵感。 姓名:沙宝亮 性别:男 出生年: 生日:1月1日 地区:中国大陆 星座:摩羯座 血型:B型 身高:180cm 三围: 嗜好:骑马、游泳、登山 职业:歌手 个人简介 沙宝亮于1986年毕业于北京艺校,1993年步入歌坛和现代人乐队合作开始创作、演唱。沙宝亮写歌已经很多年,创作一般比较随意的,96年时与其好友段目然成立沙漠工作室,沙宝亮负责作曲,他负责作词,期间为戴娆写了《期待》和叶蓓的《我是谁》。 其它 1986年毕业于北京艺校   1987年在法国世界未来杂技节比赛中获金奖   1993年步入歌坛和现代人乐队合作开始创作、演唱   1995年成立沙漠音乐工作室,推出单曲及MTV《扫落叶的人》   为正大国际音乐中心签约歌手潘劲东第二张专辑创作《好想你》、《落泪的玫瑰》(因故未发行)。   1996年任现代人乐队主唱   为香港三栖明星钟镇涛专辑创作主打歌《简简单单的生活》   1997年为北京国安足球队演唱《国安永远争第一》受到广泛的认可和赞许   1998年为天星娱乐公司签约歌手戴娆专辑创作《期待》、《落泪的玫瑰》   1999年为麦田音乐公司签约歌手叶蓓专辑创作《我是谁》   2000年参加《公益歌曲大擂台》获擂主称号   2001年为中唱领先音乐和强磊音乐的合辑《校园Feeling》录唱《青春日记》。从众多歌手中脱颖而出,《青春日记》在全国各大排行榜上名列首位,并在央视、北京卫视、山东卫视等综艺晚会演出,《中国广播影视》、《中国大学生》、《广播歌选》、《东方》、《音乐生活报》等报刊均作过专刊,在北京各大高校巡演中深受欢迎被誉为“新一代校园歌曲代言人”。   签约北京现代力量文化发展有限公司,推出单曲《我的秋天谁来过》,位居中央人民广播电台《中国流行歌曲榜》第二名,并在全国各地电台几十家排行榜上榜。   2002年推出单曲CD《被遗忘的人》,拍摄MTV《爱上一条鱼》、《青春日记》

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chlorine Allergy Treatment and Prevention

As I said earlier, Chlorine Allergy is quite rare and most people who experience the above symptoms are usually sensitive to chlorine. In such cases, the treatment would be given according to the symptoms that a person experiences. For instance, a chlorine rash can be treated by washing it thoroughly with soap and water, and when it comes to eye irritation, antihistamine eye drops can bring relief to the eyes. Using anti-chlorine skin products can reduce skin irritation as well as allergies considerably. However, in case of severe symptoms of Chlorine Allergy, it is important to consult one's health practitioner who can suggest the best treatment possible. More on chlorine removal shampoo.As the symptoms of Chlorine Allergy do not stay for a long time i.e. it is cured once the correct treatment is given, one should know about the ways of preventing its re-occurrence. One way of doing this is by avoiding detergents which have chlorine content in them. It is also important to avoid swimming pools which are highly chlorinated. However, if this is not possible, taking a shower before and after swimming in the pool can help in reducing the allergies caused by chlorinated water. On the other hand, if you have a pool at home, make sure that the chlorine levels in your pool are not very high. Also, using some other techniques to keep your pool clean will be a good idea too. Other than this, using a special lotion before getting into the pool will also help in protecting one's skin from the harmful effects of chlorine.You may like to read more on:
Facts about Chlorine
Chlorine Poisoning
Chlorine Poisoning Symptoms
I hope this article on Chlorine Allergy has been informative as well as helpful. So, if you have been suffering from the symptoms caused by Chlorine Allergy, take the precautionary measures mentioned above to ensure that you are not affected by the allergy again. However, if these preventive ways do not work in your case, consulting your physician will be helpful.
The best way of treating an allergy to chlorine is to slowly reduce the affected person’s exposure to the chemical. There is no point in asking an individual to jump into a pool treated with chlorine right after he recovers from a rash caused by chlorine. An allergy to chlorine is a rare occurrence, and it is best to visit a doctor who would prescribe a few medicines to battle the allergy. Doctors can also give advice on how exactly to keep an allergy to chlorine at bay. For swimmers, it is advisable to take a shower right before swimming and a shower right after swimming. This helps to keep an allergy to chlorine at bay.
Swimming is a favorite pastime of many teens during the hot summer months. If your teen is engaging in swimming activities in a pool that you do not own, it is important to become familiar with the health risks that may arise and what you can do, as a parent, to help mitigate that risk.
Chlorine Allergy is a common health complication among adults and children alike. In teens, however, there can be a rise in the allergic reaction to chlorine especially when hormonal changes are taking place. If your teen ahs been diagnosed with a Chlorine Allergy, avoiding pools and swimming is not necessary if you can make accommodations to help your teen avoid such an outbreak.
When suffering from a Chlorine Allergy, your teen will be classified, by a physician, as suffering from a type 4 allergic reaction. With this type of allergic reaction, the most common signs of the complication include the development of a rash in the armpits and groin area. While your teen may not readily admit to a rash in the groin area, you can visible see such chlorine allergic reactions in the armpits by visible examination.
Once confirmed as suffering from a Chlorine Allergy, your child's pediatrician can provide medication that can be used to reduce and minimize the appearance of the skin rash. Typically, the treatment is topical and includes a gel or cream that is prescription based. Beyond this type of medication, the only other treatment that is recommended is the avoidance of highly chlorinated pools and the use of over-the-counter Benadryl to control itching and inflammation.
If you can monitor the level of chlorine in the pool that your child will be swimming in, this will give you the best control of your teen's Chlorine Allergy risks. If you can not monitor the chlorine levels, then your physician will most likely recommend that your teen only swim in pools that are chemically treated with bromine, an alternative solution to chlorine treatment.
While chlorine allergies are typically not life threatening, they are bothersome and unsightly for children who suffer from the complication. If your teen has been diagnosed with a Chlorine Allergy, be sure to make accommodations to ensure that continued enjoyment with swimming can proceed through the entire year.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

i am not a human being mixtape

Being in jail hardly put a damper on Lil Wayne’s media onslaught. He has released just as many music videos, freestyles and guest features during his stint in Ryker’s Island as he ever has. Wayne's manager compiled I’m Not a Human Being, an EP of all new material set to be released on Wayne’s birthday. I’m Not a Human Being aims to whet fan's appetites for Tha Carter 4, Wayne’s next studio album, much in the way 2007's The Leak preceded Tha Carter 3. The EP is due for a viral release with a possible physical release to follow in time for Christmas. I’m Not a Human Being marks Wayne's return to traditional rap following the rap-rock Rebirth fiasco.

So Lil Wayne released his ninth album, “I Am Not A Human Being” today, and remarkably, he did it from the confines of Rikers Island prison, where he still has 39 days left before he is released.
Initially slated as an EP, “I Am Not A Human Being” is now a 10-track album available digitally from now until October 12, when hard copies of the album (with three more tracks) will go on sale. But for an album released from the lockup, it is a surprisingly well-put-together album filled with songs that sound as though Lil Wayne is a free man who can party with as many friends and women as he wants. He can’t.
Prison is a muse for many artists. Country star Johnny Cash released one of best-known prison-inspired works, “At Folsom Prison,” featuring the song “Folsom Prison Blues,” in 1968. That same year, country singer Merle Haggard released “Mama Tried,” song about the pain he caused his mother by being sent to San Quentin.
There have been a number of artists before and since who have come out with material inspired by the idea of prison, or by spending actual time in jail. The great blueswoman Bessie Smith recorded a song called “Jail House Blues” in 1923. Decades later, rapper Tupac Shakur served time during the height of his recording career, and the rapper Shyne released an album in 2004 entitled “Godfather Buried Alive” while serving a ten-year prison sentence. And Elvis Presley’s “Jailhouse Rock,” released in 1957, is the kind of song a ex-con might want to throw on his or her iPod after getting being released.
Lil Wayne’s” I Am Not A Human Being” doesn’t focus on incarceration. Many of the songs were recorded before Wayne started serving his sentence. Instead, the album tied its release date to Lil Wayne’s birthday, which happens to be today. As Wayne said in a statement through the his spokespeople, “I want to give a gift on my birthday to my loyal fans who have continued to support me.”
The new gift may make some fans almost forget his last musical present, the lackluster pseudo-rock album “Rebirth.” On “I Am Not A Human Being,” the lead single “Right Above It” featuring Drake has a success-against-all-odds type of feel. Then there’s “With You” (also featuring Drake), a standout rap love song.
Fans expecting to hear about prison fights, prison food, and prison guards might have to wait until Lil Wayne is released and can safely look back at his time doing time. “I Am Not A Human Being” sounds less like an album about life in jail, and more like an album about the good life Lil Wayne used to enjoy on the outside.

Saturday, September 25, 2010





Can estrogen replacement therapy reduce my risk for heart disease?

No. Estrogen replacement therapy, also called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), was prescribed by doctors because they hoped it could help guard against certain diseases as well as treat the symptoms of menopause. It was once thought that HRT could help protect against heart disease. New studies have shown that when it comes to heart health, HRT actually does more harm than good. If you’re taking HRT to help prevent heart disease, talk to your doctor about whether you should stop.Estrogen replacement therapy has been used for a long time to treat menopausal symptoms in women. For much of that time, it was believed that one of the benefits of the treatment was that it reduced the risk of heart disease.
This made sense for a number of reasons. One, in the decade after menopause, when there are major changes in hormonal levels, women's risk of heart disease goes up substantially. So the speculation was that if you offset the drop in estrogen, you could stop this increased risk from occurring.
Two, the estrogen replacement therapy increases "good" cholesterol and decreases "bad" cholesterol, and since cholesterol seems to be an important factor in heart disease risk, this appeared to indicate the treatment would help in this area.
Third, multiple observational studies seemed to show that women who underwent the treatment were less likely to develop heart disease than women who did not.
Still, the evidence was not conclusive, and there were a minority of physicians who remained unconvinced.
So larger, much more expensive, randomized, blinded clinical trials were conducted that controlled for other factors. The result? To most people's surprise, the hypothesis that estrogen replacement therapy lowered the risk of heart disease failed.
Interpretations of the results are not unanimous, and additional studies and research continue to be conducted, but it now appears that estrogen taken in conjunction with progestin (a synthetic form of progesterone) actually increases the risk of heart disease, while estrogen taken alone has either minimal benefits for heart disease or none.
If further research reveals any heart disease benefits at all to any version of estrogen replacement therapy for menopausal women, they are likely to be tiny, and certainly dwarfed by other actions people could take such as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising.
Which is not to say that doctors no longer recommend estrogen replacement therapy in any cases. The purported effects on heart disease were merely one of the reasons the treatment was used. Doctors still selectively recommend short-term estrogen replacement therapy for some of their patients for the relief of menopausal symptoms, especially in women who experience premature menopause or premature ovarian failure before age 40.
But certainly weighing the costs and benefits in a given case has been made a lot more complicated with the new evidence reversing the previous majority medical beliefs about estrogen replacement therapy and heart disease.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is staging of Breast Cancer?

Once your doctor has diagnosed your Breast Cancer, he or she works to determine the extent (stage) of your cancer. Your cancer's stage helps determine your prognosis and your treatment options. Complete information about your cancer's stage may not be available until after you undergo Breast Cancer surgery.

Tests and procedures used to stage Breast Cancer may include:

  • Blood tests, such as a complete blood count
  • Mammogram of the other breast to look for signs of cancer
  • Chest X-ray
  • Breast MRI
  • Bone scan
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

Not all women will need all of these tests and procedures. Your doctor selects the appropriate tests.

Breast Cancer stages range from 0 to IV, with 0 indicating cancer that is very small and noninvasive. Stage IV Breast Cancer, also called metastatic Breast Cancer, indicates cancer that has spread to other areas of the body.

Staging is a method that has been developed to describe the extent of cancer growth. Breast Cancer is 'staged' by information that is obtained from surgical and other findings. Specifically, information is gathered from the pathology (disease) report that accompanies a lumpectomy (lump removal), mastectomy (breast removal), or other form of breast surgery. In addition, staging is based upon findings from imaging studies - such as chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound (images produced by high-frequency sound waves) computed tomography (CT or CAT scan; computer-assisted technique that produces cross-sectional images of the body), and bone scans.

The physician uses all available findings to choose a stage that best describes the person's condition. Staging helps to predict how an individual will fare over time - that is, it helps the physician to estimate how long a person will live and the risk of cancer recurrence, or relapse. Correspondingly, staging allows the physician to customize cancer treatment. In general, the lower the stage, the better the person's prognosis (expected outcome).

The TNM System

Pathologists (disease specialists) use a specific system to stage Breast Cancer. This method- known as the TNM system - was devised by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Within the TNM system, "T" refers totumor size, "N" refers to lymph node involvement, and "M" refers to the extent ofmetastasis. The primary tumor (T) is ranked within one of the following categories:

The lower the stage number, the less the cancer has grown and spread. For example, a "stage I" Breast Cancer is relatively small and has not yet spread to the lymph nodes or other sites. By contrast, a "stage IV" cancer is much more serious, as it has already metastasized to the lymph nodes as well as another location(s).

Women with low-stage tumors have a better chance of surviving Breast Cancer than women with high-stage tumors. Recent findings from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) indicate that 5-year survival rates are 96% for limited, low-stage Breast Cancers (stage 0, stage I, and some stage II cancers), 75% for Breast Cancers that have invaded the surrounding tissue (stage II & III cancers), and only 20% for Breast Cancers that have metastasized (stage IV cancers). Unfortunately, survival rates are lower and Breast Cancer stages tend to be higher among women from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Cancer stage is based on the size of the tumor, whether the cancer is invasive or non-invasive, whether lymph nodes are involved, and whether the cancer has spread beyond the breast.

The purpose of the staging system is to help organize the different factors and some of the personality features of the cancer into categories, in order to:

  • best understand your prognosis (the most likely outcome of the disease)
  • guide treatment decisions (together with other parts of your pathology report), since clinical studies of Breast Cancer treatments that you and your doctor will consider are partly organized by the staging system
  • provide a common way to describe the extent of Breast Cancer for doctors and nurses all over the world, so that results of your treatment can be compared and understood

Stage 0

Stage 0 is used to describe non-invasive Breast Cancers, such as DCIS and LCIS. In stage 0, there is no evidence of cancer cells or non-cancerous abnormal cells breaking out of the part of the breast in which they started, or of getting through to or invading neighboring normal tissue.

Stage I

Stage I describes invasive Breast Cancer (cancer cells are breaking through to or invading neighboring normal tissue) in which:

  • the tumor measures up to 2 centimeters, AND
  • no lymph nodes are involved

Stage II

Stage II is divided into subcategories known as IIA and IIB.

Stage IIA describesinvasive Breast Cancer in which:

  • no tumor can be found in the breast, but cancer cells are found in the axillary lymph nodes (the lymph nodes under the arm), OR
  • the tumor measures 2 centimeters or less and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, OR
  • the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes

Stage IIB describes invasive Breast Cancer in which:

  • the tumor is larger than 2 but no larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, OR
  • the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters but has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes

Stage III

Stage III is divided into subcategories known as IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.

Stage IIIA describes invasive Breast Cancer in which either:

  • no tumor is found in the breast. Cancer is found in axillary lymph nodes that are clumped together or sticking to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone, OR
  • the tumor is 5 centimeters or smaller and has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clumped together or sticking to other structures, OR
  • the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clumped together or sticking to other structures

Stage IIIB describes invasive Breast Cancer in which:

  • the tumor may be any size and has spread to the chest wall and/or skin of the breast AND
  • may have spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clumped together or sticking to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone
  • Inflammatory Breast Cancer is considered at least stage IIIB.

Stage IIIC describes invasive Breast Cancer in which:

  • there may be no sign of cancer in the breast or, if there is a tumor, it may be any size and may have spread to the chest wall and/or the skin of the breast, AND
  • the cancer has spread to lymph nodes above or below the collarbone, AND
  • the cancer may have spread to axillary lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone

Stage IV

Stage IVdescribes invasive Breast Cancer in which:

  • the cancer has spread to other organs of the body -- usually the lungs, liver, bone, or brain

"Metastatic at presentation" means that the Breast Cancer has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes, even though this is the first diagnosis of Breast Cancer. The reason for this is that the primary Breast Cancer was not found when it was only inside the breast. Metastatic cancer is considered stage IV.

Additional staging information

You may also hear terms such as "early" or "earlier" stage, "later," or "advanced" stage Breast Cancer. Although these terms are not medically precise (they may be used differently by different doctors), here is a general idea of how they apply to the official staging system:

Early stage

  • Stage 0
  • Stage I
  • Stage II
  • Some stage III

Later or advancedstage

  • Other stage III
  • StageIV

Doctors use a staging system to determine how far a cancer has spread. The most common system is the TNM staging system. You may hear the cancer described by three characteristics:

  • size (T stands for tumor)
  • lymph node involvement (N stands for node)
  • whether it has metastasized (M stands for metastasis)

The T (size) category describes the original (primary) tumor:

  • TX means the tumor can't be measured or found.
  • T0 means there isn't any evidence of the primary tumor.
  • Tis means the cancer is "in situ" (the tumor has not started growing into the breast tissue).
  • The numbers T1-T4 describe the size and/or how much the cancer has grown into the breast tissue. The higher the T number, the larger the tumor and/or the more it may have grown into the breast tissue.

The N (node involvement) category describes whether or not the cancer has reached nearby lymph nodes:

  • NX means the nearby lymph nodes can't be measured or found.
  • N0 means nearby lymph nodes do not contain cancer.
  • The numbers N1-N3 describe the size, location, and/or the number of lymph nodes involved. The higher the N number, the more the lymph nodes are involved.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Carl Edwards

arl Michael Edwards, II (born August 15, 1979) is an American NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and Nationwide Series driver for Roush Fenway Racing. In the Sprint Cup Series, Edwards drives the #99 Aflac Ford Fusion with Scotts-Miracle Gro for 6 races, Subway for 3 races, and Kellogg's and Cheez-It each for one race. In the Nationwide Series he drives the #60 Copart/Fastenal Ford Fusion/Ford Mustang with some sponsorship from Citigroup, Vitaminwater, Valvoline, and Aflac.

In front of 52,000, Carl Edwards and his No. 60 Aflac Ford won the Missouri-Illinois Dodge Dealers 250, his 27th victory in 195 NASCAR Nationwide Series races. This is his second victory and 15th top-10 finish in 2010. This is also his third victory and sixth top-10 finish in seven races at Gateway International Raceway.

Finishing second, Reed Sorenson and his No. 32 Dollar General Stores Toyota posted his fifth top-10 finish in six races at Gateway International Raceway. It is his 11th top-10 finish in 2010.

In third, Trevor Bayne and his No. 99 Out! Pet Care Toyota posted his first top-10 finish in two races at Gateway International Raceway.

Paul Menard and his No. 98 Richmond/Menards Ford picked up a fourth place result with Steve Wallace and his No. 66 5-hour Energy Toyota rounding out the top five.

Brian Scott (sixth) was the highest finishing rookie.

Brad Keselowski leads the NASCAR Nationwide point standings by 168 points over Carl Edwards.

Heading into the 2009 Nascar Sprint Cup Season, Carl Edwards will be sponsored by Aflac, Subway for three races, and Claritin for one race. The Office Depot sponsorship heads over to Tony Stewart and his Stewart-Haas team. Many media analysts expected Edwards to challenge Johnson for the championship.
In the #99 Claritin car, on the final lap of the April 26, 2009 Talledega race (Aarons 499) Edwards survived one of the most violent crashes in NASCAR history. Heading into the tri-oval with the lead, Brad Keselowski attempted to make the pass. Following this, Edwards came down the track and touched the right front side of Keselowski's car, sending him spinning. Edwards bounced off Ryan Newman, and flipped airborne into the catchfence. Edwards emerged from the car unharmed and sprinted on foot over the start/finish line to the cheers of the crowd. Eight fans were injured, the worst being a woman with a broken jaw. The woman was airlifted to a nearby hospital.[2] Edwards experienced another winless season in 2009 as his best finish was 2nd at Pocono Raceway.
Although Kyle Busch won the NASCAR Nationwide Series, Edwards finished 2nd place in the series and scored 5 wins, finishing 210 pts. behind the leader.
[edit]Other Racing
On June 6, 2007, Carl won the 2007 NEXTEL Prelude to the Dream at the Eldora Speedway. The Prelude is a dirt late model race organized in part by Tony Stewart, owner of Eldora, to benefit the Victory Junction Gang Camp and other worthy causes. Over 20 NEXTEL Cup drivers participated in the heat races and 30-lap feature, along with other drivers from different forms of motorsports. Edwards started second in the feature and held off Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon to win.
Edwards participated in the 2008 Race of Champions, partnered by Tanner Foust. While in the individual event Edwards faced 7-time Formula One Champion Michael Schumacher and defeated him. In the next round, however, Edwards was defeated by eventual runner-up David Coulthard.
[edit]Personal life

Edwards is a first cousin once removed to fellow NASCAR driver Ken Schrader, who furiously told Edwards early in his racing career to get dirt track experience before going to Cup; he would later take the advice. In light of this relationship, Edwards is often referred to as "Cousin Carl." Edwards would give a business card to other teams for his services before getting a ride with Roush Racing.
Off the track, Carl has been busy promoting his new record label, Back40 Records, a company he started with a high school friend back in Columbia, Missouri.[3]
During the week of the Auto Club 500, Edwards participated in taping of the Fox television series 24, where he played Homeland Security Agent Jim Hill.
It has been rumored that he is the cousin of Buffalo Bills Quarterback Trent Edwards. During an interview with Dave Hollander of AOL Sports [4], Hollander asked if Carl's cousin Trent Edwards had the same allergies as he did. After Carl replied that, "My old cousin Trent...he probably has the same kind of stuff I do," Roush Fenway Racing Senior Account Manager Randy Fuller said he didn't know that Trent Edwards was Carl's cousin. In response to Fuller, Edwards said, "He's not. I’m just rollin’ with it."
Edwards also appeared on The Price Is Right, where he presented both Showcases on the November 10, 2009 episode. The Showcases were NASCAR-themed, with a trip to the Coca-Cola 600 and a Camping World trailer featured in one Showcase, while the other featured the debut of a new garage door prop for the "ultimate garage" Showcase that featured tools and a hybrid version of his Ford Fusion racer.
Edwards is a known fan of professional wrestling, specifically WWE, and wrestler John Cena is one of his closest friends. He guest hosted on WWE Monday Night RAW on February 8, 2010.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2010, Edwards' wife gave birth to their first child, Anne Katherine Edwards, at 12:44 pm CT in Columbia, MO. She was 8 lbs 4 oz

Friday, July 16, 2010

oil spill stopped

Related searches:
oil spill, oil spill live feed, oil spill update, bp oil spill live feed, live oil spill feed
Has the leaking of BP oil spill stopped in gulf? You may just hear the update news about oil spill live feed that states the oil spill has stopped for now after 85 days and up to 184 million gallons. BP finally gained control over one of America’s biggest environmental catastrophes on Thursday. They were placing a carefully fitted cap over a runaway geyser that has been gushing crude into the Gulf of Mexico since early spring.
A temporary fix has been done to make BP oil spill stopped forever, the accomplishment was greeted with hope and high expectations and in many cases along the beleaguered coastline, disbelief. If the cap holds, if the sea floor doesn’t crack and if the relief wells being prepared are completed successfully.
This could be the beginning of the stop for the spill. But that’s a lot of ifs, and no one was declaring any sort of victory beyond the moment. The BP oil spill stopped in gulf for flowing at 3:25 p.m. EDT when the last of three valves in the 75-ton cap was slowly throttled shut.
The worst-case scenario would be if the oil forced down into the bedrock ruptured the seafloor irreparably. Leaks deep in the well bore might also be found, which would mean that oil would continue to flow into the Gulf. And there’s always the possibility of another explosion, either from too much pressure or from a previously unknown unstable piece of piping.
The works to make BP oil spill stopped in gulf in the darkness of deep water on Thursday was a combination of trial, error, technology and luck.
BP has managed to stop the flow of oil from the compromised Deepwater Horizon oil well for the first time in the nearly three months since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico began. Response team leaders and the White House caution, however, that the capping of the well is only part of an extensive test to check well integrity, and that the well may need to be re-opened.

“We're encouraged by this development, but this isn't over,” Thad Allen, the National Incident commander, said in a statement Thursday evening.

“Over the next several hours we will continue to collect data and work with the federal science team to analyze this information … in the hopes of gaining a better understanding on the condition of the well bore and options for temporary shut [down] of the well during a hurricane,” Allen said.

“It is a great sign. … But I have to stress that we have to manage our expectations,” BP CEO Doug Suttles told reporters at a televised press conference on Thursday.

Perhaps the most important well test will involve determining the pressure on the new well cap. High pressure readings would indicate a successful capping of the leak, even if that success is only temporary. Low pressures would let the response team know that other leaks are likely present, still spilling oil into the Gulf, according to information presented by BP.

“It's possible if the pressures are low that we will have to re-initiate the flow and capture it. And I want to tell you that we're prepared to do that,” Suttles said.

If the well does need to be re-opened, the new cap will still increase the response team’s ability to collect oil “up to a containment capacity of 60,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day,” Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary, said during a White House press briefing on Thursday.

In the 24-hour period before the integrity tests began, slightly less than 8,000 barrels of oil were collected, according to data presented by BP.

The company estimates that the tests will last between 6 and 48 hours.
The drilling of the two relief wells that are seen by the response team as the ultimate, permanent solution to the spill crisis, has been suspended “as a precaution” for the duration of the tests, according to BP.

Thursday, July 1, 2010



  某个司机朋友说的情况是这样的: 长春现在的交通情况很不好 可以说是非常拥挤 所以出租车一个白班12小时也就是能够拉300元左右.300除去80左右的油钱+68的管理费+每天大概50元左右的维护费用.所剩无几......以前出租车公司每月的管理费是500元 .2年以前涨价到每天68元(68X30天) .现在要涨价到每天118元(118X30天).所以基本不赚钱了.而且是半年签次合同.想不续签就不续签...... 长春的出租车这次罢工不是针对市民.也不是针对政府.而是针对某些拥有出租车特许经营权的出租车企业。

























  朴龙河于1994年通过MBC电视台《主题剧场》出道,随后演出电视剧《看了又看》、“Loving you”以及电影《圣诞节下雪》等作品,凭借柔中带刚的形象,赢得了众多女性观众的喜爱。


  他在2004年演出日剧《东京湾景》,也积极从事歌唱事业,出过CD,曾在日本武道馆举办演唱会。2004年11月单曲《不要走》跻身Oricon音乐排行榜前十名,2009年7月迷你专辑(EP)“Once in a summertime”位居Oricon排行榜第六名,成绩不菲。



  朴龙河后来还成立经纪公司,2008年则通过电视剧《真爱On Air》重返韩国荧屏,《真》是朴龙河时隔6年拍摄的电视剧,他一改原有的温和形象,成功地饰演了冷傲的角色,人气也节节攀升,他还以此剧获得“SBS年度最佳演技奖”。之后,又通过出演电影《作战》和电视剧《男人故事》等作品,积极开展国内的演艺事业。最近还和尹恩惠被选定演出韩剧版《甜蜜蜜》——“Love Song”的男女主角,并从今年6月19日起,在日本进行巡演18场,不久前刚结束在横须贺、川口的公演返韩,原本计划7月2日再度飞日,在神户国际会馆公演。


自杀前一天 与朝鲜足球明星郑大世在北京按摩?




  朴龙河的遗体已移至首尔江南圣母医院的灵堂,但朴龙河离世的消息令整个娱乐圈震惊。共同出演《真爱On Air》的三名艺人金荷娜、李凡秀和宋允儿也深受打击,金荷娜透过经纪公司表示:“第二天看到报纸得知了这场悲剧,受到了巨大打击。”


  苏志燮的新剧“Road No.1”拍摄已进入尾声,他在6月28日的访问中才提到朴龙河,没想到他两天后就离开人世。苏志燮当时说:“圈中好友并不多,最好的就是宋承宪和朴龙河了,还有现在合作的尹继尚,和朴龙河是那种不合作也每天都会抽空见面的朋友。”




  韩联社则报道,据一名演艺界人士透露:“我28日跟朴龙河打电话,但没发现他有什么异常。听说,他今天要为演出赶赴日本,真没想到会发生这种事。” 他还表示:“听说,他常常失眠,吃安眠药。但他是否患有抑郁症,不得而知。” 但据朴龙河的经纪公司表示,他没有忧郁症,平时也未发现异样。





  另一名身边人士则表示,与海外相比,朴龙河在韩国的人气总不是很高,因此他感到很有压力。此人表示:“几年前朴龙河曾打算离开大型策划公司,自己成立公司开展事业。但他只是在海外受到‘韩流’明星的礼遇,相比之下,国内的活动却不是很顺利,所以很难过。因此朴龙河曾接连出演电视剧《真爱On Air》(SBS电视台)、《男人故事》(KBS二台)和电影《作战》等国内作品,努力作了尝试。”但除了《真爱On Air》以外,其他作品并没有达到预期效果。



Friday, June 11, 2010

布里妮爱脱光 被保镖控性骚扰

  英国太阳报报道,小甜甜里妮斯皮尔(Britney Spears)传出不爱穿衣服,怪异举动让保镖受不了,愤而辞职。
  费南多并非第一个声称布里妮举止怪异的人,3年前也有一名工作人员指出她不爱穿衣服,行动诡异,还闹上法院。 欢乐的圣诞假期却是小甜甜布里妮斯皮尔(Britney Spears)的梦魇!美国媒体爆料,两年前此时,她与前夫凯文费德林(Kevin Federline)短暂复合,不久后传怀孕,但对方坚称不是他的种,逼她堕胎。因此每到圣诞,布里妮都陷入忧郁,最近一度崩溃哭喊:“我害死我的小孩!”
在几场演唱会火辣复出后,小甜甜布里妮斯皮尔(Britney Spears)重出歌坛的计划已经启动。最近她有感而发,在个人网页上透露离婚后的心情故事,表示和歌手凯文费德林(Kevin Federline)离婚真的让她打击很大,才会脱序,她形容自己跌到人生的谷底,而且迷失了。
小甜甜布里妮斯皮尔(Britney Spears)重出歌坛的计划已经启动。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010




“维特效应”指1774年德国大文豪歌德发表了一部小说,名叫《少年维特之烦恼》,该小说讲的是一个青年失恋而自杀的故事。小说发表后,造成极大的轰动,不但使歌德名声在欧洲大噪,而且在整个欧洲引发了模仿维特自杀的风潮,“维特效应”因此得名。 菲利普斯的理论叫做【维特效应】【WertherEffect】即自杀模仿现象。所谓「维特效应」指的是两百年前德国大文豪歌德发表了一部小说,名叫《少年维特之烦恼》,该小说有着异常强烈的时代精神,它所提出的问题带有时代的普遍启蒙意义。对于维特的精神和性格,诸位定将产生钦慕与爱怜;对于他的命运维特效应,诸位都不免一洒自己的同情泪。小说发表后,造成极大的轰动,不但使歌德名声在欧洲大噪,而且在整个欧洲引发了模仿维特自杀的风潮,为此,好几个国家将《少年维特之烦恼》列为禁书。“维特效应”,从社会心理学角度分析,就像情绪上的“流感”。媒体对自杀新闻的大肆渲染对于一些徘徊在生死边缘的人具有强大的暗示、诱导性。比较典型的例子是,2003年4月1日,张国荣自杀事件发生后,媒体的报道连篇累牍、大肆渲染。结果从当天深夜到第二天凌晨9小时内,全香港有6名男女跳楼自杀,其中5人不治,当月香港共有131宗自杀身亡个案,较3月份增加32%。有几名死者留下遗书,清楚写明其自杀与张国荣轻生有关。  在中国,每年约有25万人死于自杀,至少有100万人自杀未遂。自2000年以来,每年10万人中有22.2人自杀,每2分钟就有1人自杀、8人自杀未遂。可以说,如果每一起自杀都要报道的话,恐怕整张报纸都装不完。  实际上近年来中国人自杀的比例越来越大,这当然跟中国社会转型期急剧变化,人们承受的精神和物质压力越来越大有直接的关系,自杀行为的增加,也不能全部怪罪于媒体。但是正如笔者前面所说的,媒体的自杀新闻与自杀行为的增加确实有不可回避的关联。仅仅出于敬畏生命的人道主义考虑,媒体也应该主动进行反思并警醒。  社会可以关注自杀现象,但不应炒作自杀个案,或者把自杀“娱乐化”处理,而应该在报道中采访一些专家学者等,突出心理危机干预,从而启发公众对自杀背后社会问题的思考和讨论,避免类似事件再次发生

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


(转)又一鲜为人知的“消失门”!有良心的大学生顶起!为了我们的未来!为了中国!为了南开大学那个死去的王雨辰!管理员有良心你就别封!    为什么这几个月来房价始终在大幅上涨,我们却再也听不到相关消息了?为什么我们都知道有人在炒房而且这将谋杀我们的终身幸福却始终没人能制止这一现象?为什么南开大学的王雨辰会莫名消失?这个王雨辰又是谁?他究竟做了什么?    这些真相,你值得去了解。         2010年6月5日,在微博写下的“应邀与房市大亨座谈,理性总是好的”只言片语,没想到成为王雨辰在人间留下的最后告别。    王雨辰是南开大学07级一名和我们一样的普通大学生,兼修国际政治和国际金融双学位。于09年发表论文《贪婪的触手:深析中国房市》因深度揭析了房地产过热与我国一些资本运转的内部问题震撼当时的中国金融界,美籍华人学者郎咸平曾评论他为“金融界少有的敢说真话的人”。不想却因其作品讲了真话,触犯到某些个别人的利益,多次收到恐吓和威胁,要求其立刻停止公开发表一切金融评论。但他对这种嚣张的置若罔闻,却于2010年6月5日晚,神秘消失,至今再无下落。         我们要对我们的祖国有信心    在南开大学,认识王雨辰的人不在少数,他谦虚的性格,乐观的精神,对学术严谨的态度,被广大南开学子所接受。但由于他的论文大多涉及非常深入的专业领域知识,他现在虽已是国际金融界业内的知名学者,但在咱们普通大众的知名度并不甚高,这也给个别不法集团试图除掉他减小了舆论压力。袁teng飞为什么没有被直接除掉?因为袁有名望在,轻举妄动的话会面临很高的舆论压力。但王雨辰不同,咱们都不知道他,所以才让个别集团如此的明目张胆,将他迫害。    他在发表自己的各篇论文后,引起了业内的极大争议。有良心的金融学者见到终于有人敢于揭露他们一直不敢言说的真理,都纷纷表示支持,但另一派,掌控着权势的贪婪资本家却看到自己在房市的运作被批剥得淋漓尽致,不禁就产生了除掉王雨辰的想法。    每当被问及,收到恐吓信和威胁电话的感受时,王雨辰总会笑着说:“都什么年代了,哪还能出这种事?我们要对我们的祖国有信心。”    然而,就是这样一位说着“我们要对我们的祖国有信心”的青年大学生,却在前不久收到有关部门的通知,禁止他在未来5年内继续公开发表任何涉及国际政治和国际金融的言论。明眼人都看得出来,这是大资本、金融巨头对他做的封口令。         王雨辰是在用他的生命为我们80后、90后的生活换来最后一点幸福的希望    每次被问及,以后的理想是什么的时候,王雨辰总会说:“就像苏轼一样,去个地方当一辈子清官,为当地百姓谋得些许福利,一辈子也就知足了。”    我们80后、90后为什么买不起房?谁都知道,是因为背后有金融巨头为代表的炒房团在通过玩弄房价谋取高额利益。但老百姓没房子住,以后的生计都是问题。指望谁来救我们?某人大代表都公开说了:“老百姓有老百姓的活法,当官有当官的活法。。。”看来我们这悲惨的一代人是注定要成为他们玩弄房价的受害者,做一辈子资本的奴隶了。    但为什么我们都知道炒房团在炒房将给老百姓带超负荷的生活、生存压力,但这一病态的现象却无论国家怎样打压始终不见效果?    因为这背后有资本异常雄厚的炒房团在操作整个社会经济效果。他们甚至嚣张得声称:房价如果下跌,整个中国经济也将崩盘。这样明目张胆地叫嚣绑架中国经济,不可一世。    王雨辰每次说起咱们80后、90后面临被房市绑架他都很痛心,他说自己苦学金融知识就是为了能真正做点有良心的事。他先后发表的《贪婪的触手:深析中国房市》、《放手房价:中国经济的软着陆》等论文,具体披露了房地产巨头想要绑架中国经济谋取暴利的事实,并依靠他所学的国际金融架构了一套具体可行的使中国经济脱离房市,在未来5年内使房价回归正常、稳定的方案雏形。此论文一出,整个中国经济一片哗然,因为他给中国看来是逐渐必定走上被房市绑架这条死路的中国经济提供了新的希望。    但也正因为如此,他也得罪了中国大部分房地产巨头。在收到他们的恐吓威胁后,王雨辰曾在他的某个讲座上公开表示:“我不怕这些威胁。第一,因为我对我的祖国有信心。第二,因为我在做的事是为中国的年轻人谋取幸福,我在做一件正义的事,没有人可以把我怎么样。    但他太天真了。就在2010年6月5日,他收到了某房地产巨头(为生命安全着想不便透露)的邀请一起去参加一场“座谈”,临走时他还在微博上写下“应邀与房市大亨座谈,理性总是好的”,他还对对方的理性和公正抱有信心。不想,就此一去不回。    王雨辰现在在哪,怎么样,谁也不知道,他的家里人都要急疯了,整个南开大学认识他的同学也收到通知,不得声张此事。出了那所大学,谁也不知道这个人、这件事。一个为了80后、90后、为了你我未来幸福、为了咱们整个中国经济未来而敢于牺牲自我的人突然消失了。我们难道不应该为他做些什么么!    但我们能做些什么?    我们什么也不能。    只能等着过几天某不知名当地报纸的角落写下一条新闻:某地发现一无名尸,警方正在调查,仅此而已。。。。。。    王雨辰为了我们做了那么多!但我们却让他就这样白白死去。。。如果我们这样做,他的死还值得么?    分享或转载这篇文章,让更多人了解真相,只有这样中国才能进步。去给王雨辰留个言,让他看到这世上还有那么多人理解他、支持着他。。。。。。如果他还能活着回来的话。。。

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


纪亚文陈乔恩的内衣广告中饰演陈乔恩男友的模特儿纪亚文,看起来温柔体贴,不过私底下的他,其实是个网球教练,还曾经靠著打网球赚奖学金当学费,另外也自己投资夜店当股东,不仅在广告中形象多变,现实生活中也拥有多样的身分。 中美混血的纪亚文入行不到2年,先后和林熙蕾、吴澹如拍广告。纪亚文化身男仆,在广告中单膝跪地替吴澹如奉鞋;之前和蕾蕾拍内衣广告,坦言2人没对到戏:“我们是分开拍的,根本没看到她穿内衣的样子!”不过他却在现场撞见替身拍胸部特写,爆蕾蕾内衣广告用的是“假胸部”。 上大学后,每逢暑假他都会在俱乐部打工,他拥有国际网球教练的执照,靠教网球赚钱,学生不下千人,从4岁到60岁都有,他笑说:“我时薪收100元美金 (约3200元台币),光1个暑假就可以赚到4万元美金(约130万元台币)。”不过他对表演更加感兴趣,去年从纽约州立大学经济系毕业后回台,便透过表姊介绍签进现在的经纪公司。 陈乔恩为内衣代言再度“撩落去”,在新一季的广告中,陈乔恩敞开白色外套,穿着性感小短裤,与饰演男友的纪亚文嬉戏,纪亚文从背后搂抱着陈乔恩,互动好像在调情,两人还大玩追逐游戏。
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