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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Natural Prevention for Colds and Flu

Home > Diseases & Conditions > Cold & Flu > Natural Prevention for Colds and Flu
The best way to prevent your child from getting the flu is to get him a flu shot each year, especially if he is at high risk of having complications from getting the flu. Many of the flu medications described above, except Relenza, can also be used to prevent your child from getting the flu if he is exposed to someone that is sick with the flu. This year, Tamiflu, will be your best option for prophylaxis if your kids are exposed to the flu.
Is it a Cold or the Flu?
In the past, it really wasn't important to know if your child had a cold or the flu, since in both cases, you just treated the symptoms. But now, since treatments are available for the flu, it can be important to know for sure whether or not your child has the flu. The flu should be suspected if your child has typical flu symptoms as described above, especially if he has been exposed to someone else with the flu. Testing can be done in many doctors' offices from a throat or nasal swab, with results in about half an hour.
If your child tests positive for the flu, or if testing is unavailable, but the flu is strongly suspected, then he may be a candidate for one of the flu medications described above. Other family members and close contacts might also be a candidate for flu medications to prevent them from getting sick.

1. natural flu and prevention:Cover Your Mouth and Nose to Stop the Flu It starts with a tickle, a prickle, an itch: Achoo! Cover up that sneeze to avoid spreading flu germs. Here's the latest tip on how to cover up the right way.

2. natural flu and prevention:Soap Away Germs Wash your hands to keep germs away Scrubbing germy hands is one of the top tips for preventing spread of the flu. So is a quick splash-and-dash all you need?

3. natural flu and prevention:Keep Your Hands Off Your Face Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu. But how long are surfaces contagious?

4. natural flu and prevention:Good Health Beats the Flu The Power of Healthy Habits When you're in good health, your immune system is stronger. So keep yourself in top health this flu season -- and throughout next year! Here are five healthy habits to get hooked on.

Treatments for a cold or Flu

How are colds and flu treated?How Can I Get Over My Cold?

cold flu symptoms:What are the symptoms?

Whos affected of the Cold/Flu

What causes a cold? What causes the flu?

What Is the Cold/Flu?

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